Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Teann

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


I seem to keep picking verbs that have a bunch of meanings and so I end up going on long journeys down rabbit holes of the Gaelic language.

Today I picked this verb because of a poem I found called Teann a-nall is Èisd na facail (“Come hither and listen to the words”) in the Bards of Morvern book at the Scottish Poetry Library. I think the author was Donald Mackinnon.

The reference to a-nall got me looking at the ways in which movement and direction are expressed in Gaelic which was also something that came up in discussion with my friends I was doing a Gaelic lesson with. This is why doing these daily verbs are helpful to me as they will inevitably cross over with many other parts of speech.