Gnìomhair Làthail

Gnìomhair Làthail – Buin

Today’s Daily Gaelic Verb is:


This word was actually very helpful for me as I had been looking for a Gaelic way to denote possession. So buin has a host of complex meanings but one of the definitions in Dwelly’s is “belong to”. It is also both a verb and a noun.

You will also see from the link above to the on-line version of Dwelly’s that there is a mistake in the rendering from the original text. It gives one of the definitions as “is relaxed to” when it should be “is related to”. The reason why it has this definition is also explained but you wouldn’t understand that given the incorrect definition shown above in the text.

Sometimes it is useful to have original source texts and not just take everything off the internet. Get a copy of Dwelly’s if you can!