Psalm 142


Salm 142

Ghlaodh mi ri Dia lem ghuth; is fòs
  lem ghuth rinn m'ùrnaigh ris.
Mo chaoidh na fhianais dhòirt mi mach,
  's mo thrioblaid dh'fhoillsich mis'.

Tràth bha mo spiorad bàthte staigh,
  'n sin b'aithne dhut mo cheum;
Sa bhealach san do shiubhail mi,
  gun fhios do leag iad lìon.

Dh'amhairc mi air mo dheis, is dh'fheuch,
  's cha robh fear m'eòlais ann;
No neach dom anam bheireadh spèis;
  thrèig cobhair mi san àm.

O Thighearna, do ghlaodh mi riut,
  is thubhairt mi gun ghò,
Gur tu as tèarmann dileas dhomh,
  's mo chuid an tìr nam beò.

Chionn gun do chlaoidheadh mi gu truagh,
  èisd ri mo ghlaodh san àm;
Is saor mi o luchd m'fhòirneirt mhòir,
  oir 's treasa leo na leam.

A prìosan m'anam buin a-mach,
  d'ainm-sa gum molar leam;
Is iadhaidh umam fìreanan,
  oir nì thu pailteas rium.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 142

Psalm. Of David. When he was in the cave. Prayer.

I cry out aloud to Yahweh,
       I cry aloud to Yahweh for mercy.
I pour out my worries before him,
       I declare my troubles to his face.
When my spirit is faint within me,
       you are there to guide my steps.
In the path where I walk
       they have hidden a trap for me.
Look to my right hand and see!
       There is no friend concerned for me.
I have no way of escape,
       and no one cares for my life.
O Yahweh, I cry to you,
       saying, "You are my refuge,
       my share of the land of the living."
O Yahweh, listen to my cry,
       for I am brought very low.
Save from those who trouble me,
       from those who are too strong for me.
Set me free from prison,
       so that I may praise your name.
Then the righteous will gather around me,
       because you give me my due reward.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))