Psalm 127


Salm 127

Mur tog Iehòbhah fhèin an tigh,
luchd-togail tha iad faoin;
Mur glèidh Iehòbhah 'm baile fòs,
luchd-faire chaill an saoth'r.

Dhuibh 's dìomhain bhith ri moch-eirigh,
san oidhch' ri caithris bhuain,
Bhith 'g ithe arain bròin; mar sin
da sheircean bheir e suain.

'S e Dia bheir toradh bronn mar dhuais;
mar oighreachd bheir e clann.
Bidh mic na h-òig' mar shaighdean geur',
'n làimh ghaisgich thrèin gach àm

Is sona 'm fear gam bi dhiubh siud
a ghlac 's a dhòrlach làn;
Gun rudhadh labhraidh iad sa gheat
rin naimhdean olc gu dàn.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 127

Song of ascents. Of Solomon.

Unless Yahweh builds the house,
       its builders work in vain.
Unless Yahweh guards the city,
       the watchmen guard in vain.
It is vain to rise early
       and stay up late,
       toiling for food;
he provides for his loved ones while they sleep.
Yahweh gives sons as a gift,
       children are his reward.
Like arrows in a bowman's hand
       are the sons you father when young.
Blessed are those with quivers full of them;
       they will not be dismayed,
       fighting foes at the gate.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))