Salm 126
'N tràth thug Iehòbhah air a h-ais bruid Shioin, b' ionnan sinn Is daoine chunnaic aisling mhòr, 's a mhosgail as an suain. Lìonadh ar beul le gàir an sin, 's ar teanga fòs le ceòl; Am measg nan cinneach thubhairt iad, Rinn Dia dhaibh beairtean mòr'. Rinn Dia mòr-bheairtean air ar son, chuir oirnne gàirdeachas. Iehòbhah, till ar bruid a-rìs, mar shruth san àird a deas. Iadsan a chuir gu deurach sìol, gu subhach nì iad buain. An neach gu cur a thèid a-mach le sìol ro-phrìseil caoin, Air bhith dha gul gu muladach, ga iomchar siud gu fonn, Le aiteas tillidh e gu dearbh, a' giùlan sguaban trom'.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 126
Song of ascents.
When Yahweh returned the exiles to Zion we were like dreamers, with mouths full of laughter, tongues singing with joy. Word passed round the nations, "These are Yahweh's great deeds for them!" Yes! Yahweh did great things for us, and we are glad. O Yahweh, restore our fortunes like torrents in the south. To sow in tears means joyful reaping. The sower who weeps as he carries the seed, returns singing joyfully, bearing the sheaves.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))