Psalm 91


Salm 91

An neach sin tha na thàmh gach uair
  an ionad uaigneach Dhè,
Fo sgàil an Uile-chumhachdaich
  buan-chòmhnaidh nì gach rè.

Their mi a-nis mu thimcheall Dhè,
  mo thèarmann e, 's mo neart;
Mo dhaingneach; cuiream dòchas ann;
  mo Dhia, 's e Dia nam feart.

Gu dearbh o rib an eunadair
  nì esan fuasgladh ort,
Is nì do shaoradh mar an ceudn'
  on phlàigh tha gràineil goirt.

Le 'itich nì e d'fhalach fòs,
  bidh d'earbsa fo a sgèith;
Is fhìrinn bidh na targaid dhut,
  mar sgèith dod dhìon gach rè.

Fa chùis an uamhais anns an oidhch'
  cha bhi ort geilt no sgàth;
No fòs fa chùis na saighde bhios
  a' ruith air feadh an là;

Cha bhi maoin eagail ort ron phlàigh
  tha triall an dorchadas;
No fòs fa chùis an uilc a bhios
  mu mheadhon là ri sgrios.

Bidh mìle tuiteam sìos rid thaobh,
  deich mìle fòs rid dheis;
Ach olc dhuibh siud cha tig ad chòir
  no 'm fagas dhut am feasd.

A-mhàin led shùilean seallaidh tu,
  is bheir fa-near le beachd;
Droch-dhìol is tuarasdal nan daoi,
  gun cheist do chìthear leat.

A chionn gun d'roghnaich thusa Dia,
  mar chòmhnaidh dhut gach àm,
An Dia ud tha na thèarmann dhomh,
  's e 'n Ti as àirde th'ann;

Aon olc chan èirich dhut; is plàigh
  dod fhàrdaich cha tig dlùth.
Oir bheir e àithn' da ainglean, chum
  ad ròd gun dìon iad thu.

Is togaidh iadsan thusa suas
  gu h-àrd air bhàrr am bos;
Eagal gum buailte leat air cloich,
  aon uair air bith do chos.

Air leòmhann is air nathair nimh'
  gun dòrainn saltrar leat;
Pronnaidh tu 'n dràgon sìos led chois,
  's an leòmhann òg led neart.

A chionn gur ionmhainn leis-san mi,
  sàr-fhuasgladh bheir mi dha;
Air m'ainm a chionn gur eòlach e,
  àrdaicheam e gach là.

Gairidh e orm, is freagram e;
  na thrioblaid bitheam leis;
Onair is urram bheir mi dha,
  is fuasglam air gu deas.

Le saoghal fad is maireannach
  sàsaicheam e gu leòr;
Mo shlàinte dhàsan mar an ceudn'
  foillsichidh mi gu mòr.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 91

Whoever lives in the shelter of the Most High,
       and dwells under the Almighty's shadow,
will say of Yahweh:
       "My refuge and fortress,
       my God whom I trust."
He will save you from the fowler's snare,
       from deadly plague.
       He covers you with his feathers
       and beneath his wings you find a refuge;
       his fatihful love is a shield and armour.
You will not fear the terror of night,
       nor the arrow that flies by day,
       the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
       the plague that strikes at noon.
A thousand may fall at your side,
       ten thousand to your right,
       but you will be unscathed.
       You have only to look to see,
       the payment received by the wicked.
If you make Yahweh your safe retreat,
       the Most High your dwelling-place,
       no disaster shall come on you,
       no misfortune approach your tent.
He will put his angels in charge of you,
       to guard you wherever you go.
They will hold you up in their arms,
       so your feet are not injured by stones.
       You can tread on the lion and the adder;
       you can trample on the young lion and snake.
"I will save him because he is faithful to me;
       I will raise him because he trusts in my name.
       When he calls to me, I will answer him;
       in times of trouble I shall be with him;
       I will rescue and honour him.
       With long life I will satisfy him;
       and let him see my salvation."

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))