Psalm 80


Salm 80

Eisd, aodhair Israeil, a stiùir
  Iòseph mar threud led làimh.
Thusa tha 'd thàmh measg cheruban,
  dealraich a-mach mu thràth.

An làthair Ephraim 's Bheniàmin,
  agus Mhanaseh fòs,
Dùisg-sa do chumhachd; agus thig
  gar saoradh mar as nòs.

Till sinn a-rìs, a Dhè nam feart;
  tog oirnne suas gu h-àrd
Deagh dhealradh glan do ghnùis' a-nis,
  is saorar sinn led ghràs.

Cia fhad, a Thighearna nan sluagh,
  a leanas corraich riut,
Ri guidhe ghèir na muinntir sin
  as poball dìleas dhut?

Oir bheathaich thu do shluagh gu lèir
  le aran deur is bròin;
Is tomhas soibhir thug thu dhaibh
  de dheuran goirt rin òl.

Is rinn thu sinn mar adhbhar strì
  dar coimhearsnachan fhèin;
Nar n-adhbhar spòrs' is àbhachdais
  dar n-eascairdean gu lèir.

Till sinn a-rìs, O Dhè nan slògh;
  tog oirnne suas gu h-àrd
Deagh dhealradh glan do ghnùis a-nis,
  is saorar sinn led ghràs.

Thug thu fìonain as an Eiphit;
  na cinnich thilg thu mach,
Is shuidhich thus' an fhìonain ud
  nan ionad siud fa seach.

Rèitich thu àite dhi;  is ghabh
  i freumh gu daingeann teann,
Led bheannachadh; is lìonadh leath'
  an tìr o cheann gu ceann.

Na cnuic ro-àrda dh'fhalaich i
  le sgàil 's le dùbhar fhèin;
A geugan bha a' cinneachdainn
  mar sheudair àlainn rèidh.

An dara taobh gu ruig an cuan
  chuir i a-mach a meòir;
An taobh ud eil' a geugan shìn
  gu ruig an abhainn mhòr.

A callaid cuim' a bhriseadh leat!
  ionnas gu bheil gach neach
Thèid seachad air an rathad mhòr,
  ga spionadh leò fa seach.

Tha 'n torc a thig on choille mach
  ga fàsachadh gu lèir,
Tha beathaich allt' na machrach fòs
  ga slugadh suas le chèil'.

Till, guidhmid ort, a Dhè nan sluagh,
  is seall o nèamh a-nuas,
Feuch, agus fiosraich fhèin a-nis
  an fhìonain seo le truas;

Am fìonlios sin a shuidhich thu,
  le neart do làimhe deis';
'S am meangan ud a neartaich thu,
  dhut fhèin le lùth is treis.

Le lasair theine loisgeadh i,
  is ghearradh i a-nuas;
Làn-mhilleadh agus sgriosadh iad,
  le achmhasan do ghnùis.

Air fear do dheaslàimh fhèin, a Dhè,
  gu robh do làmh gu treun;
Air mac an duin' a rinneadh leat
  a neartachadh dhut fhèin.

Mar sin cha till sin uat a-rìs;
  ath-bheothaich sinn gach lò,
Is gairmidh sinn air d'ainm an sin,
  an cian a bhios sinn beò.

Till sinn a-rìs, a Dhè nam feart,
  is foillsich fhèin gu h-àrd
Deagh dhealradh glan do ghnùis a-nis,
  is saorar sinn led ghràs.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 80

For the choirmaster. Tune: ‘The Lilies of the covenant’. Of Asaph. Psalm.

Hear us, O Shepherd of Israel,
       leading Joseph like a flock;
       shine forth enthroned,
       sitting between the cherubim.
Stir up your might
       at the head of Ephraim,
       Benjamin and Manasseh,
       and come to save us.
O God, bring us back;
       make your face shine upon us
       that we may be saved.
O Yahweh, God of Hosts,
       how long will you be angry
       at your people's prayers?
You have fed them
       the bread of tears;
you have made them
       drink many tears.
You have made us
       the scorn of our neighbours,
a laughing-stock to our enemies.
O God of Hosts, restore us;
       make your face shine upon us
       that we may be saved.
You brought a vine out of Egypt.
       You drove out the nations
       and planted it.
You cleared the ground for it;
       it took root
       and filled the land.
It covered the mountains with shadow;
       its branches covered
       the mighty cedars.
It sent out branches
       to the Sea,
its shoots as far as the River.
Why have you smashed its walls
       so that all who pass by
       pick its grapes?
Forest boars tear at it;
       wild animals feed on it.
O God of Hosts, return to us;
       look down from heaven and observe;
       visit this vine,
the root your right hand planted
       the son you reared for yourself.
Your vine is cut down
       and burned with fire;
your people perish
       at your rebuke.
Grant your power
       to the one you trust,
the son of man
       whom you reared for yourself.
Then we will never turn back from you;
       grant us life,
       and we will call on your name.
O Yahweh God Almighty, restore us;
       let your face shine upon us
       that we may be saved.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))