Salm 72
Dhia, thoir do bhreitheanas don rìgh, is d'fhìreantachd da mhac. Bheir esan ceart bhreith air do shluagh, 's do bhochdan còir nan airc. Na slèibhtean àrda bheir a-mach sìochaint don t-sluagh gu pailt; Is bheir na tulaich bheaga sìth le fìreantachd gun airc. Air daoine bochd a' phobaill fòs, bheir esan breith gu ceart; Is clann nan ainnis saoraidh e, mìn-bhrisidh luchd ain-neart. Am feadh bhios grian is gealach ann, freasdal don là 's don oidhch', Bidh d'eagal orrasan gu mòr, o linn gu linn a-chaoidh. Mar uisge air an fhaiche bhuaint', is amhlaidh thig e nuas; Mar fhrasan dh'uisgicheas am fonn, is ionann sin a ghràs. Ra linn-san bidh na fìreanaich gu h-ùr a' fàs le blàth; 'S am feadh a bhios a' ghealach ann, bidh sìochaint pailt a-ghnàth. Bidh uachdranachd aig' mar an ceudn' o thuinn gu tuinn gu sìor, Is ruigidh siud on abhainn mhòir, gu iomall crìoch gach tìr'. Luchd-còmhnaidh fòs an fhàsaich chruaidh sleuchdaidh iad sìos na làth'r; A naimhdean imlichidh an ùir, a' tabhairt ùmhlachd dha. Rìgh Tharsis, is nan eileanan, tìodhlacan bheir iad uap', Bheir rìghrean Shèba, Sèba fòs, tabhartais dha gu luath. Seadh, fòs na fhianais sleuchdaidh sìos gach rìgh air thalamh tha; 'S gach ginealach air feadh gach tìr, dha seirbhis nì a-ghnàth. An t-ainnis bochd gun chuideachadh, saoraidh tràth dh'èigheas ris. 'S nì acarachd ri truaghan bochd, is dìonar 'anam leis. 'S e theasairgeas an anam fòs o fhoill 's o fhòirneart gheur; Is fòs na shùilean-san gun cheist, 's prìseil am fuil gu lèir. Bithidh e beò gu maireannach, òr Shèba bheirear dha; Gnàth-ùrnaigh nìthear air a shon, is molar e gach là. San talamh cuirear dòrlach sìl, air mullach àrd nam beann; Is bidh a thoradh trom air chrith, mar Lebanon nan crann. An dream a tha sa chathair mhòir, bidh toradh orr' is blàth Gu lìonmhor, mar as dual don fheur air thalamh fàs a tha. Bidh 'ainm-san buan gu suthainn sìor, co-mhaireann ris a' ghrèin; Is annsan beannaichear gach slògh; 's beannaichear leo e fhèin. Beannaicht' gu robh an Tighearn Dia, Dia Israeil a-ghnàth, An tì a-mhàin nì mìorbhailean le treis is neart a làimh. Beannaicht' gu robh gu sìorraidh buan 'ainm glòrmhor uasal fhèin; Lìonadh a ghlòir gach uile thìr. Amen, agus Amen!
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 72
Of Solomon.
O God, endow the king with your justice, the royal son with your righteousness, that he may rule your people with justice, and give fair judgement to your poor. The mountains will bring your people prosperity, the hills will give them righteousness. He will be just with the poorest of people, save the children of the poor and crush the oppressor. You will be feared as long as the sun, as long as the moon, through all generations. He will come down like rain on a newly-mown field, like showers that water the earth. In his days the righteous shall flourish, and good fortune abound until the moon is no more. He will rule from sea to sea, from the river Euphrates to the ends of the earth. The desert tribes will bow before him, and his foes lick the dust. The kings of Tarshish and distant shores will pay him tribute; The kings of Sheba and Seba will bring him gifts. All kings will bow before him, and all nations serve him. He will free the needy who cry to him, the afflicted who cannot get help. He will pity the weak and the needy, and deliver the needy from death. From oppression and violence he will save them; their blood will seem precious to him. May he live long and have gold from Sheba, may prayer be made for him, and blessings called down on him all the day long. May wheat abound throughout the land, swaying on hill-tops; may fruit flourish like Lebanon, and thrive like the grass of the field. May his name last for ever, continue as long as the sun; all nations will pray to be blessed as he is, they will all say how blessed he is. Blessed be Yahweh God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvellous things; may his glorious name be blessed for ever; may all the earth be filled with his glory. The end of the prayers of David, son of Jesse.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))