Salm 39
Thubhairt mi, Bheir mi fhèin fa-near mo shlighe; 's nì mi fòs Mo theanga choimhead mar le srèin, air bhith don daoi am chòir. Dh'fhan mi gu tosdach balbh am thàmh, on nì sin fhèin bu mhath; Mhosgail mo thrioblaid is mo bhròn annam gu mòr a-staigh. Air bhith dhomh smaoineachadh mar seo, do ghabh mo chridhe teas: Is las an teine: is mar seo lem theangaidh labhair mis': Thoir fios, a Dhè, dhomh air mo chrìch, tomhas mo là ciod e: Gum faighinn eòlas agus fios cia anfhann geàrr mo rè. Feuch rinn thu mar leud bois' mo làith', mar neoni agad m'aois: Gach neach da fheabhas, e gu fìor 's nì dìomhanach gun phrìs. An samhladh brèig' a' siubhal fòs gach duine tha gu dearbh: Gun suaimhneas fòs gam buaireadh fhèin, an dìomhanas gun tairbh': A' torradh nithean, 's cur ri chèil' mòr-bheartais air gach dòigh, Gun fhios cò 'n t-oighre chruinnicheas, no mhealas iad fa-dheòidh. Ciod nis rim feitheam fhèin, a Dhè? mo dhòchas dhìot do nì m'. Saor mi om uile lochd; 's na dèan ball-maslaidh an-daoin' dhìom. Dh'fhan mi am thosd, gun fhosgladh bèil, oir leatsa rinneadh e. Tog dhìom do bhuille, Dhè: le beum lochd, do làimhe chlaoidheadh mi. Tràth chronaichear leat neach ma mar chnuimh thèid as da shnuadh: Gu deimhinn fhèin 's fìor-dhìomhanas gach duin' air bith den t-sluagh. Dhia, èisd rim ùrnaigh, is rim ghlaodh; rim dheòir ad thosd na bi; Oir coigreach agad, is fear-cuairt, mar m'athraichean tha mi. Dhia, coigil agus caomhain mi, gum faighinn neart rim bheò Mun siubhail mi, a' dol don eug, 's nach bi mi ann nas mò.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 39
For the choirmaster. For Jeduthun. Psalm. Of David.
I said, "I will keep close watch on my ways, so that what I say may be free from sin; I will keep a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wicked are present with me." I kept still silence, not even saying good, but my anguish increased. My heart had smouldered within me the fire flared up as I pondered, and the words came bursting out: "O Yahweh, show me the end of my life, how long I have to live, how fleeting are my days. You have given me a mere handsbreadth of life, the length of my life is as nothing before you, each human life is only a breath. Each human being is only a shadow which flits here and there but always in vain; the heaped-up riches could go anywhere." So now, Lord, what am I seeking? My hope is in you. Save me from all my transgressions; make me no longer the butt of fools. I am silent, I would not open my mouth, for you yourself have done all this. Take your scourge away from me; I am overcome by the blows of your hand. You rebuke people by punishing sin; like a moth you eat away all their wealth; each person is only a breath. O Yahweh, hear my prayer; listen to my cry for help; do not close your ears to my weeping. For I dwell with you as an alien, a stranger, as all my fathers were. Turn from me, and I will look cheerful, before I depart and cease to be.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))