Psalm 37


Salm 37

Lasan no compar na biodh ort
  mu dhaoine aingidh olc,
Is na gabh farmad ris an dream
  a bhios a' dèanamh lochd.

Oir amhlaidh mar as dual don fheur,
  glan-sgathar iad gu grad,
Is amhlaidh mar na lusan maoth'
  crìon-seargaidh iad air fad.

Cuir-sa do dhòchas ann an Dia,
  is dèanar maitheas leat,
Mar sin sìor mhealaidh tu an tìr,
  's beathaichear thu gu beachd.

Gabh tlachd an Dia, is bheir e dhut
  làn rùn do chrìdh' a-chaoidh.
Do shlighe tabhair suas do Dhia;
  earb ris, is bheir gu crìch.

Foillsichidh e do chòir 's do cheart,
  mar sholas glan nan tràth;
Is amhlaidh mar àrd-mheadhon-là
  do bhreitheanas a-ghnàth.

Gu sàmhach fan ri Dia nan dùl,
  is feith le foighid leis;
An tì na shligh' a shoirbhicheas,
  na gabh-sa farmad ris:

Fa chùis an fhir a bheir gu buil
  a dhroch-bheairt innleachdach.
Leig corraich dhìot, trèig fearg: chum uilc
  na bi-sa frionasach.

Oir droch-dhaoin' is luchd-dèanamh uilc
  glan sgathar as gu lèir:
Ach lìon ga bheil an sùil ri Dia,
  buan-mhealaidh iad an tìr.

Oir feith gu fòil rè tamaill bhig,
  's an droch dhuin' cha bhi ann:
'S na ionad fòs, ma bheir fa-near,
  cha bhi e fhèin no 'chlann.

Ach mealaidh daoine sèimh am feasd
  am fearann is an tìr:
Lan-shòlas bheirear dhaibh faraon,
  an saoibhireachd na sìth'.

Tha 'n t-aingidh cumadh lochd don t-saoi,
  's a' casadh fhiaclan ris.
Nì Dia air fanaid: oir dha 's lèir
  gur dlùth air là a sgrios.

Na h-aingidh tharraing iad an lann;
  is chuir am bogh' air ghleus,
A leagadh aimbeartach is bhochd,
  's a mharbhadh luchd deagh bheus.

An claidheamh thèid nan cridhe fhèin,
  thèid air am bogha claoidh.
'S fheàrr beagan aig an duine chòir,
  na saoibhreas mòr nan daoi.

Oir gàirdeanan luchd aingidheachd
  mìn-bhrisear air an cruas;
Ach daoine còir is fìreanach
  nì Dia an cumail suas.

Air aimsirean nam fìreanach
  is fiosrach Dia gun cheist:
An oighreachd is an seilbh faraon,
  dhaibh 's maireannach am feasd.

Cha chuirear iad gu rudhadh gruaidh,
  san aimsir ghàbhaidh olc:
Oir gheibh iad uil' an sàth gu leòr
  an làithean gainne 's gort'.

Ach sgriosar droch dhaoin', naimhdean Dhè,
  bidh iad mar shaill nan uan:
Làn-mhillear iad, is thèid dhaibh as,
  mar dheataich nach eil buan.

An iasachd gabhaidh daoine daoi,
  's cha dìol a-rìs air ais;
Am fìrean tha e tròcaireach,
  is nìthear pailteas leis.

Oir meud 's a fhuair a bheannachd-san,
  sìor mhealaidh iad an tìr:
'S an dream a gheibh a mhallachd-san,
  lom-sgriosar iad gu lèir.

Tha Dia a' stiùradh cheumannan
  an duine naomha chòir:
Is tha e gabhail tlachd is toil
  da shlighe-san gu mòr.

Nan tàrladh dha gun tuiteadh e,
  cha tilgear tur e sìos:
Oir tha an Tighearna le 'làimh
  ga chumail suas a-rìs.

Bha mise òg, 's a-nis an aois:
  is riamh chan fhaca mi
Na dhìobrachan an duine còir,
  No shliochd ag iarraidh bidh.

Sìor-thruacant' e, is coingheallach:
  beannaicht' a shliochd a ta.
Seachainn an t-olc, is dèan am math,
  is còmhnaidh gabh gu bràth.

Is toigh le Dia ceart bhreitheanas,
  a naoimh cha trèig e chaoidh;
Sìor choimhdear iad: ach sgathar sìos
  droch shliochd nan daoine daoi.

Mealaidh na fìreanan an tìr;
  buan-chòmhnaidh nì iad innt'.
Thig beul an t-saoi air gliocas glan,
  a theang' air rogha cainnt.

Tha lagh a Dhè na chrìdh' a-staigh:
  cha sleamhnaich uaith a cheum.
Tha 'n droch dhuin' feitheamh air an t-saoi,
  ga mharbhadh is ga theum.

Chan fhàg an Tighearn e na làimh,
  a dhèanamh air droch-bheairt;
Chan fhàgar ris e ann am binn,
  tràth chuirear e fo cheirt.

Feith thus' air Dia, 's na shligh' gluais
  is àrdaichear leis thu,
An tìr gum meal thu; is droch dhaoin'
  gam milleadh chì do shùil.

An duine mallaicht' chunnaic mi
  an neart, 's an inbhe mhòir,
Ga sgaoileadh fhèin a-mach mar chraoibh,
  a' fàs gu dosrach ùr;

Ach chaidh e seach, is feuch cha robh;
  dh'iarr, is cha d'fhuaireas e.
Amhairc is feuch gur sìth as crìoch
  don duine dhìreach rèidh.

Ach sgriosar luchd an easaontais,
  is thèid dhaibh as faraon:
Di-mhilltear agus sgathar sìos
  crìoch dheireannach dhroch dhaoin'.

Ach furtachd fhìor nam fìrean fòs,
  thig sin o Dhia nan dùl:
Is anns an aimsir thrioblaidich,
  's e 's barrant air an cùl.

Thig treis is furtachd thuc' o Dhia,
  le fuasgladh an deagh àm;
Saorar iad leis o dhaoine olc,
  oir chuir iad muinghinn ann.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 37

Of David. Alphabetical.

Do not get worried about the wicked,
       or envy those who do wrong.
They wither as quickly as grass,
       they fade like the green of the fields.
Trust in Yahweh, and do good;
you will dwell in the land
       of safe pastures.
Find your delight in Yahweh,
and he will give you
       your heart's desire.
Commit your way to Yahweh,
       trust him and he will act;
he will make your righteousness
       as clear as the dawn,
and the justice of your cause
       like the sun at noon.
Be quiet before Yahweh
       and patiently wait for him;
do not worry when people get their own way,
when their devious schemes
       seem to succeed.
Control your anger and turn from rage;
do not worry,
       it only brings evil.
Evil-doers will be destroyed;
those who hope in Yahweh
       will be given the land.
In a little while the wicked will be finished;
though you look for them
       they cannot be found.
The meek will inherit the earth,
       and enjoy boundless prosperity.
The wicked plot against the upright,
       gnashing their teeth at them;
but Yahweh laughs at the wicked,
       knowing their end is in sight.
The wicked draw their swords
       and bend their bows
       to bring down the poor and needy.
Their swords will pierce their own hearts
       and their bows will be broken.
The just are better with little
       than the wicked are with wealth,
for the power of the wicked
       will be shattered,
but Yahweh upholds the just.
The lives of the blameless
       are in Yahweh's care;
their inheritance will last forever;
in troubled times they will not wither,
in time of famine
       they will have plenty.
But death will come to the wicked;
Yahweh's foes will be meadow flowers
       which vanish like smoke.
The wicked borrow and do not repay;
       the righteous repay generously.
Those blessed by Yahweh
       inherit the land;
those he curses
       will be cut off.
Yahweh delights in the way of those
       whose steps he made secure;
if they stumble they will not fall,
       for Yahweh holds their hands.
I once was young and now am old;
I never saw the just abandoned
       or their children begging bread.
They are generous in lending freely;
       their children will be blessed.
Turn from evil and do good,
       then you will always live securely;
for Yahweh loves the righteous
and will not forsake
       those faithful to him;
they will be safe forever,
       but offspring of the wicked will die.
The just will inherit the land
       and dwell in it forever.
Wisdom comes from the lips of the just;
       what their tongues say is right.
Their hearts contain the law of their God;
       their feet will never slip.
The wicked lie in wait for the just,
       hoping to take their lives;
but Yahweh will keep them from their power
and save them from death
       when brought to trial.
Wait for Yahweh and keep to his path;
he will exalt you to own the land
       and you will see the wicked cut off.
I have seen the wicked bring terror,
       strong as a flourishing tree;
when next I passed they were gone,
       though I searched, they could not be found.
Study the blameless and look at the just,
there is a future
       for those who bring peace.
But all the sinners will be destroyed;
the wicked's descendants
       will be cut off.
The just will have salvation from Yahweh;
       he is their refuge in time of trouble.
Yahweh helps them and rescues them;
he will save them from the wicked,
       and keep them safe,
       because they take refuge in him.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))