Salm 36
Deir easaontas an droch-dhuin' seo na chridhe staigh 's na chliabh; Fìor-eagal Dhè am beachd a shùl chan eil, is cha robh riamh. Oir nì e brionnal baoth ris fhèin a rèir mar thaitneas ris; A chionta gus am foillsichear mar adhbhar fuath da sgrios. Fìor-chluaintearachd is eucoir mhòr, siud cainnt a bheòil gu tric: Is sguir e fòs o dhèanamh maith, is leig e dheth bhith glic. Aimhleas na leabaidh tha e dealbh'; san t-slighe nach eil ceart Shuidhich is shocraich e e fhèin; chan oillteil leis droch bheairt. Do thròcair tha sna nèamhan shuas, a Thighearn is a Dhè: Gu ruig na neòil, is àird nan speur, làn ruigidh d'fhìrinn rèidh. Do cheartas mar na slèibhtean àrd', do bhreith mar dhiomhneachd mhòir; Air duine 's ainmhidh nì thu, Dhè, deagh-choimhead agus fòir. O Dhia! is prìseil urramach do choibhneas gràdhach caoin; Fo sgàil do sgèith nì uime sin, làn dòchas clann nan daoin'. Le saill do theach is d'àrois phailt sàsaichear iad gu mòr; A d'abhainn làn de shòlasan deoch bheir thu dhaibh ra h-òl. Tobar na beatha tha gu dearbh agadsa, Dhia nan dùl; Is ann ad sholas dealrach glan, chì sinne solas iùil. Maireadh do choibhneas gràidh, a Dhè, don dream chuir eòlas ort: Is buanaich d'fhìreantachd faraon do luchd a' chridhe cheirt. Na leig do chois an àrdain bhuirb am aghaidh teachd, a Dhè: Is làmh an droch dhuin' aingidh fòs gu bràth na gluaiseadh mi. An sin do thuit luchd-dèanamh uilc, is leagadh iad a sìos; Aig dìobhail lùith chan fhaodar leo, gun èirich iad a-nìos.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 36
For the choirmaster. Of the servant of Yahweh. Of David.
Sin speaks to the wicked deep within their hearts; there is no fear of God before their eyes. They flatter themselves in their own sight that their sin and hatred cannot be exposed. The words of their mouths speak lies and malice; they have ceased to be wise and do good. Even in bed they plot evil and settle on a sinful plan; there is no wickedness too great for them. Your faithful love, O Yahweh, reaches to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Your righteousness is like a mountain range; your judgements are like the mighty deep. You preserve, O Yahweh, people and beasts. How far beyond all price is your faithful love; all kinds of people find refuge under your wings. They feast in your bountiful house; you give them drink from a river of delights. You are the fountain of life; your light gives us light. Maintain your faithful love to those who know you; sustain your righteousness to those whose heart is honest. Keep the foot of the proud away from me; stop wicked hands from driving me away. See where the wicked lie fallen, flung down and never to rise.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))