Psalm 33


Salm 33

O sibhse tha nur fìreanan,
  biodh aiteas oirbh an Dia:
Oir 's cubhaidh do na daoine còir,
  bhith tabhairt cliù don Triath.

Air clàrsaich thugaibh moladh dha;
  is air an t-saltair ghrinn,
Air inneal-ciùil nan teudan deich,
  seinnibh do Dhia gu binn.

Is canaibh dhàsan òran nuadh:
  àrd-sheinnibh fonn gun stad.
Oir 's ceart a reachd: am fìrinn fòs
  tha 'oibrean dèant' air fad.

Is ionmhainn leis-san còir is ceart:
  lìon maitheas Dhè gach tìr.
Rinn facal Dhè na nèamh, 's an sluagh
  rinn guth a bheòil gu lèir.

Mar thòrr a ta e carnadh suas
  uisge na fairge mòir':
A' coimhead fòs na doimhne suas,
  gu dìleas an taigh-stòir.

Nis ro an Tighearna gu mòr
  biodh eagal air gach tìr:
Is air na dh'àiticheas an saoghal
  biodh fiamh ro 'ainm gu lèir.

Oir labhair Dia, is rinneadh e;
  dh'òrdaich, is cuir air chois:
Chuir comhairle nan sluagh air cùl:
  is innleachd dhaoin' air ais.

Tha comhairle Iehòbhah mhòir
  gu seasmhach buan am feasd:
Smuaintean a chridhe mar an ceudn'
  o linn gu linn gun cheist.

'S beannaicht' an cinneach sin ga bheil
  mar Dhia Iehòbhah treun:
'S am poball fòs a roghnaich e
  mar oighreachd bhuan dha fhèin.

Air cloinn nan daoine seallaidh Dia,
  o nèamh nan speur a-nuas;
'S lèir dha gach neach sa chruinne-chè,
  o 'ionad-còmhnaidh shuas.

An crìdh' air aon dòigh chumadh leis;
  thug e fa-near an gnìomh.
Cha tèarainn rìgh le meud a shluaigh;
  don laoch, neart mòr cha dìon.

An t-each an còmhraig 's dìomhain e,
  a dhèanamh furtachd leis;
No dhèanamh fuasglaidh ri àm fèim,
  ge mòr a lùth 's a threis'.

Feuch, sùilean Dè gu furachair
  air a luchd eagail fhèin,
Is air an dream sin as a ghràs
  nì muinghinn làidir treun:

An anam chum a dhìon on bhàs,
  's on ghort an cumail beò.
Ar n-anam feithidh e air Dia;
  ar neart, 's ar sgiath gach lò.

Oir annsan nì ar crìdh' a-staigh
  ùr-ghàirdeachas gun dìth:
Is cuiridh sinn na ainm ro-naomh
  ar muinghinn fòs a-chaoidh.

Do thròcair gu robh oirnn gu caomh,
  a Thighearna, gach là,
A rèir mar chuir sinn annad fhèin
  ar dochas treun a-ghnàth.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 33

Shout for joy to Yahweh, you righteous;
       it is right for the upright to praise him.
Praise Yahweh with harp;
       play for him on the ten-stringed lyre.
Sing him a new song,
       play it with all your skill,
       shout out with joy!
For the word of Yahweh
       is right and true;
       he is faithful in all that he does.
Yahweh loves righteousness and justice;
       the earth is full of his faithful love.
By the word of Yahweh the heavens were made,
       the many stars by the breath of his mouth.
He gathers the oceans into heaps
       and stores the deep in his treasure-house.
Let all the earth be in awe of Yahweh;
       let all the world's peoples honour him,
for the moment he spoke, it came to be,
       he gave the command, and it all stood firm.
Yahweh foils the plans of nations;
       he frustrates the plots of peoples;
But Yahweh's plans stand firm forever,
       his heart's designs from age to age.
That nation is blessed whose God is Yahweh,
       the people he chose to be his own.
Yahweh looks down from heaven,
       and all nations are in his sight;
from his dwelling place he watches
       all who live on earth.
He it is who fashions all hearts,
       and keeps a watch on all they do.
No king is saved by his army's size,
       nor can his strength save a warrior's life.
No one can hope in a horse for safety;
       despite its great strength it cannot save.
But Yahweh's eyes are on those who fear him,
       on those who trust in his faithful love
to save them from death
       and preserve them in famine.
We are waiting for Yahweh,
       our help and our shield,
and our hearts rejoice in him,
       for we trust his holy name.
Yahweh, let your faithful love
       rest on us,
       as we have put our hope in you.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))