Salm 27
'S e Dia mo sholas, is mo shlàint', cò chuireas eagal orm? 'S e neart mo bheatha Dia nan dùl, cò chuireas faitcheas fo'm? Mo naimhdean, m'eascairdean, luchd-uilc, tràth thàinig orm gu bras, Gu gionach dh'itheadh m'fheòla suas, fhuair tuisleadh, thuit gu cas. Ged champaicheadh am aghaidh feachd, chan eagal le mo chrìdh': Ged èireadh cogadh 'm aghaidh fòs, à seo mo bhun do nì. Aon nì a mhiannaich mi o Dhia, gu minig iarram e; A bhith am chòmhnaidh feadh mo là an taigh 's an àros Dhè: A-chum gum faicinn fhèin gu glan maise Iehòbhah mhòir, Gum fiosraichinn 's gum faighinn sgeul, na theampall mar as còir. Oir nì e m'fhalach 'n àm na h-airc' na phàillean: dìon do nì An diamhaireachd a phàillein dhomh; air carraig cuiridh mi. Os cionn mo naimhdean tha mum chuairt, nis togar suas mo cheann: Glan ìobairt aoibhneis uime sin da phàillean bheirear leam: Is seinnidh mi gu togarrach, seadh, canaidh mi gu binn Ceòl agus moladh àrd do Dhia air feadh mo rè 's mo linn. Le guth mo bheòil tràth èigheam riut, thoir èisdeachd dhomh, a Dhè: Le iochd dèan tròcair orm, is fòir, gu gràsmhor freagair mi. Iarr m'aghaidh, nuair a thuirt thu rium, an sin thuirt m'anam leat, Do ghnùis, is d'aghaidh fhèin, a Dhè, sin iarraidh mi gu h-ait. Na falaich uam do ghnùis, am feirg na dìobair d'òglach fhèin: 'S tu chuidich leam: a Dhè mo shlàint', na fàg-sa mi 's na trèig. Nuair thrèigeas m'athair mi gu tur, 's mo mhàthair fòs faraon, Do nì an Tighearna an sin mo thogail suas gu caoin. Dhia, teagaisg dhomh do shlighe fhèin, is treòraich mise, Dhè, Fa chùis mo naimhdean mìorunach, air ceuman dìreach rèidh. Do mhìorun m'eascairdean ro-gheur na tabhair thairis mi: Oir dh'èirich rium luchd-fianais bhrèig', is dream a bhrùchdas nimh. Rachadh mo mhisneach uil' air cùl, mur creidinn maitheas Dhè, Gum faicinn sin an tìr nam beò, gam fhuasgladh ann am fheum. Fuirich gu foighidneach ri Dia, glac thugad misneach mhòr, Is bheir e spionnadh cridhe dhut: fuirich ri Dia na glòir'.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 27
Of David.
Yahweh is my light and salvation, whom should I fear? Yahweh is the fortress of my life, whom should I dread? When the wicked advance against me to eat up my flesh; my enemies, my foes will be the ones who fall. If I am trapped by an army, my heart will not fear; if war breaks out against me, I will still not be worried. I only ask one thing of Yahweh, this is what I seek: to dwell in Yahweh's house all my life long, to gaze on Yahweh's beauty and to seek him in his temple. For in the evil day he will keep me safe in his house, he will hide me in his tent and set me high on a rock. Then I will hold my head high above the foes who surround me; I shall fill his tent with shouts of joy as I sacrifice to him; I will sing and play music to Yahweh. O Yahweh, listen when I call, pity me and answer me. My heart tells me to seek his face; your face, O Yahweh, will I seek. Do not turn away from me, nor in your anger dismiss your servant; you have always been my help. Never leave me, never desert me, O God, my Saviour. Though my father and mother forsake me, Yahweh will receive me. O Yahweh, teach me your way; lead me by a level path because of my enemies. Do not leave me to the will of my foes, for lying witnesses rise against me, breathing out malice. I still believe firmly that I shall see Yahweh's goodness in the land of the living. Wait for Yahweh; be strong and take heart and wait for Yahweh.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))