Psalm 5


Salm 5

Dom bhriathran tabhair aire, Dhè,
  is beachdaich air mo smuain.
Eisd guth mo ghlaoidh, mo Rìgh 's mo Dhia,
  oir guidheam ort gu dian.

Mo ghuth do chluinneat leat, a Dhè,
  air madainn gach aoin là:
Gu moch do dhèanam ùrnaigh riut,
  is dearcam ort a-ghnàth.

Cha tus' an Dia lem miann an t-olc;
  is lochd cha chaidir thu:
Cha seas an t-amadan ad làth'r;
  's fuath leat luchd-uilc nach fiù.

Do sgriosar leat luchd-labhairt bhreug:
  is gràin le Dia faraon
An duine fuileachdach, 's an tì
  chum cealgaireachd a chlaon;

Ach mise, thig mi chum do theach,
  thaobh meud do ghràsan caomh':
Is ann ad eagal adhraidh mi,
  m'aghaidh rid theampall naomh.

Fa chùis mo naimhdean, treòraich mi,
  ad cheartas naomh, a Dhè,
Is dèan-sa romham, air gach ball,
  do shlighe dìreach rèidh.

Oir chan eil cinnt no ceart nam beul,
  fìor aing'eachd annta tha;
An sgòrnan fosgailt' tha mar uaigh,
  le miodal teangaidh tlàth.

Len comhairlean leig tuiteam dhaibh;
  sgrios iad, a Dhè, nan lochd:
Nam peacan lìonmhor fuadaich iad,
  oir rinn iad ceannairc ort.

Ach aoibhneas air gach neach gu robh
  nì barrant dhìot nan airc:
Is dèanadh iad buan-ghàirdeachas,
  oir nì thu dhaibh cùl-taic:

Biodh annad ait, len ionmhainn d'ainm,
  oir beannaichidh tu, Dhè,
am fìrean: nì thu le do ghràs
  a chuartach', mar le sgèith.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 5

For the choirmaster. For flutes. Psalm. Of David.

O Yahweh, hear my words,
       consider my sighing;
listen to my cry for help,
       my King and my God.
By morning, O Yahweh, you hear my voice;
By morning, I put my case to you,
       and I wait.
You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil;
       no wicked can ever be your guest.
The proud will not stand in your eyes;
       you hate all those who do wrong.
You destroy all liars;
       Yahweh abhors the violent and devious.
But your faithful love is so great
       that I may enter your house,
       and bow down in awe
       at your holy Temple.
In your justice, O Yahweh,
       lead me and save me;
because of my enemies make your way plain
       for me.
Not a word from their mouth
       can anyone trust.
Their hearts plan destruction,
their throats are an open grave,
their tongues speak deceit.
O God, lay their guilt on them;
       let their plots be their downfall.
Cast them out for their many sins,
       as rebels against you.
But let all who make you their refuge rejoice,
       let them sing with joy forever.
Shelter those you love your name;
       they rejoice in you.
For you, O Yahweh, will bless the righteous;
       your favour surrounds them like a shield.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))