Salm 4
O thusa Dhia ud m'ionracais, èisd rium tràth èigheam riut; 'S tu dh'fhuasgail orm 's mi ann an teinn; fòir orm, is èisd mo sgread. Mo ghlòir cia fhad, a chlann nan daoin', gu nàire chaochlas sibh, A' tabhairt gràidh do dhìomhanas, is leanas breugan ribh? Biodh agaibh fios gun d'roghnaich Dia dha fhèin an duine naomh; Nuair dh'èigheas mi, bheir e gu beachd sàr-èisdeachd do mo ghlaodh. Biodh eagal oirbh 's na dèanaibh lochd: labhraibh ri ur cridh' fhèin, Gu h-uaigneach air ur leapaichean bibh tosdach mar an ceudn'. Deagh iobairt thaitneach thugaibh uaibh, don ionracas a-ghnàth; 'S ur dòchas cuiribh ann an Dia, ag earbsa as gach là. Nì math cò nochdas dhuinn a-nis? tha mòran ac' ag ràdh: Ach dealradh glan do ghnùise, Dhè, tog oirnne suas a-ghnàth. 'S mò chuir thu dh'aoibhneas ann am chrìdh' na 'n uair as lìonmhoir' coirc, No, aca siud, as saoibhre fìon a' cinneachdainn gun airc. An sìth-shàimh laighidh mi faraon, is caidlidh mi le suain: Oir 's tusa mhàin bheir dhomh, a Dhè, fo dhìdean, còmhnaidh bhuan.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 4
For the choirmaster. For strings. Psalm of David.
Answer me when I call to you, O God, upholder of my right! You set me free from my distress; show mercy to me and hear my prayer. How long will you turn my glory to shame? How long, you people, will you love vain words and seek false gods? Know that Yahweh takes the faithful to himself; Yahweh will hear when I call to him. When you are angry do not sin. Search your hearts on your beds and be silent. Make the right offerings and trust in Yahweh. There are many who ask, "Who can give us happiness?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O Yahweh. You have filled my heart with greater joy than all their glut of grain and wine. I shall lie down and sleep in peace, O Yahweh, for you alone make my life secure.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))