Psalm 3


Salm 3

Nach lìonmhor iad mo naimhdean, Dhia,
  sìor dhol am meud gach là?
Is luchd mo thrioblaid iomadh iad,
  ag èirigh rium a-ghnàth.

Rim anam iomadh their nach eil
  aon fhurtachd aig' an Dia:
Ach 's tu fear-togalach mo chinn,
  mo ghlòir, is tu mo sgiath.

Air Dia do ghairm mi fhèin lem ghuth,
  dh'èisd as a thulaich naoimh:
Laigh, chaidil, agus mhosgail mi,
  chùm Dia mi suas gu caomh.

Chan eagal leam deich mìle sluagh,
  ged chuartaicheadh iad mi.
Mo thighearn, èirich suas gu luath,
  is cuidich leam, a Dhè:

Mo naimhdean bhuail thu air an giall;
  bhris fiaclan fòs nan daoi.
'S le Dia an fhurtachd: air do shluagh
  do bheannachd tha gun dìth.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 3

Psalm of David. When he was fleeing from his son Absalom.

My foes are many, O Yahweh;
       many there are who rise up against me,
       many who say of me,
       "God will not save him."
But you are the shield at my side, O Yahweh;
       my glory, you hold my head up high.
Whenever I cry to Yahweh
       he answers me from his holy hill.
I lie down to sleep,
       and I wake up again,
       for Yahweh upholds me.
I do not fear forces in thousands and thousands
       drawn up against me on every side.
Arise, O Yahweh, save me, my God!
       You strike all my foes across the face;
       you break the teeth of the wicked ones.
From Yahweh comes deliverance.
       May you bless your people.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))