Psalm 116


Salm 116

Is toigh leam Dia, airson gun d'èisd
  rim ghuth, 's rim ùrnaigh fòs.
A chionn gun d'aom e rium a chluais
  sior èigheam ris rim bheò.

Chaidh umam dòrainn gheur a' bhàis,
  ghlac piantan ifrinn mi;
Theann-ghlacadh mi le trioblaid thruaidh,
  is àmhghar cruaidh dom chlaoidh.

Air ainm Iehòbhah ghair mi 'n sin
  (mar seo a' labhairt ris),
O Dhia mo Thighearn, guidheam ort,
  saor m'anam bochd a-nis.

A ta Iehòbhah gràsmhor, ceart;
  's is tròcaireach ar Dia.
'S e ghleidheas daoine sìmplidh ciùin';
  lag bha mi, 's dh'fhòir an Triath.

O m' anam, feuch gun till thu nis,
  gud shuaimhneas is gud thàmh;
Oir dheònaich Dia gu saoibhir dhut
  mòr-thoirbheartas a làimh'.

O ghàbhadh is o chunnart bàis
  shaor thusa m'anam bochd;
Mo chasan shaor o shleamhnachadh,
  's mo shùil o dheuran goirt'.

An sealladh Dhè, an tìr nam beò,
  gu dìreach gluaisear leam.
Do bhrìgh gun chreid mi, labhair mi;
  's mi air mo chlaoidh gu trom.

Am dheifir thubhairt mi mar seo;
  'S breugach gach duin' air bith.
Ciod dh'ìocas mi do Dhia, airson
  na rinn e dhomh de mhath?

Cupan na slàinte glacar leam,
  air ainm Dhè gaiream fhèin.
Iocam mo bhòid do Dhia a-nis
  an làth'r a shluaigh gu lèir.

Aig Dia 's ro-phrìseil bàs a naomh.
  Dhè, d'òglach 's mi gu beachd;
'S mi d'òglach, mac do bhanoglaich;
  mo chuibhreach sgaoileadh leat.

Bheir mise ìobairt-mholaidh dhut;
  air ainm Dhè gaiream fhèin.
Iocam mo bhòid do Dhia a-nis
  an làth'r a shluaigh gu lèir.

An cùirtean àlainn àros Dhè,
  ad bhuillsgean fhèin gu fìor,
O chathair àrd Ierusaleim,
  Molaibh an Triath gu sìor.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 116

I love Yahweh, for he hears me,
       and listens to my prayer.
Because he turned his ear to me,
I call on him
       through all my days.
The bonds of death closed in on me;
the snares of the grave bound me tight;
       pain and torment held me fast.
I invoke Yahweh by name:
"I implore you,
       save me, O Yahweh."
Yahweh is graceful and righteous;
       our God is full of compassion.
Yahweh saves the simple-hearted;
       when I was low he gave me strength.
Return, my heart, to peace again,
       for Yahweh has delivered you.
You have saved me from death,
       my eyes from tears,
       my feet from tripping;
I shall walk before Yahweh in the land of life.
My trust did not fail even as I said,
       "I am bitterly distressed."
In my terror I cried,
       "All people are faithless."
How can I repay all Yahweh does,
       all the gifts he pours on me?
I will lift up the cup of salvation
       to call on the name of Yahweh,
and pay my vows to Yahweh
       in the face of all his people.
A precious thing in Yahweh's sight
is the death of those who die faithful to him.
Truly, O Yahweh, I am your slave;
       I am your slave,
       the child of your slave.
You have loosed the fetters that bound me.
To you I will bring a gift of thanksgiving,
       and invoke Yahweh by name.
I will pay my vows to Yahweh
       in the face of all his people,
       in the courts of Yahweh's house,
       in the midst of you, Jerusalem.
Praise Yahweh!

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))