Salm 50
Labhair an Dia Iehòbhah treun, an talamh ghairm gu lèir, On àird an ear gu àird an iar, o èirigh gu laigh' grèin'; A Sion àrd, as foirfe mais', do dhealraich Dia nam feart. Oir thig ar Dia 's cha bhi na thosd, ach labhraidh e le neart; Thèid teine millteach ro a ghnùis, a' lasadh suas gu garg; 'S ma thimcheall-san gu doineannach, bidh e na chaoirean dearg'. Air talamh, is air nèamh nan neul, àrd-ghairmidh e gu treun, Gun tugadh e ceart bhreitheanas air uile phoball fhèin. Am ionnsaigh cruinnichibh mo naoimh, is tionalaibh an dream A rinn gu dìleas is gu dlùth, le ìobairt, cùmhnant leam. A cheartas-san nì nèamh nan neul a chur an cèill na àm; Oir 's e Iehòbhah fhèin gu beachd as aon àrd-bhritheamh ann. Mo phoball Isra'l èisdibh rium, is labhraidh mi gu ceart; Ad aghaidh togam fianais fhìor, 's mi Dia, do Dhia gu beachd. Mud ofrailean chan agram thu, no fòs mud ìobairt-loisgt', Oir 'm fhianais thug thu iad a-ghnàth, is fhuaireas iad gun fhois. Oir as do thaigh cha ghabhainn uat mar ìobairt biorach bò; 'S cha ghabhainn gobhar fhireann fòs mar ofrail as do chrò. Gach ainmhidh beò a tha an coill is leamsa sin gu lèir, 'S na h-uile sprèidh air mìle cnoc, tha 'g ionaltradh air feur. An eunlaith 's aithne dhomh air fad, tha 'g itealaich feadh bheann; 'S leam gach fiadh-bheathach uile fòs, feadh gharbhlach agus ghleann. Geur-acras nam biodh orm, no gort, cha chuirinn dhuts' an cèill, Oir 's leam an domhan mun iadh grian, is na bheil ann gu lèir. Fuil ghobhar 'n e gun òlainn uat? feòil tharbh an ithinn i? Ioc ìobairt buidheachais do Dhia, 's do bhòidean don Ard-Rìgh. An là do thrioblaid is do theinn, goir orm an sin gu ceart; Ort fuasglam, is bheir thusa glòir dom ainm-s' a chuidich leat. Ach ris an droch dhuin' labhraidh Dia, Mo statuin chur an cèill Am buineadh dhut, no ghabhail fòs mo chùmhnaint ann ad bheul; Dom achmhasan o thug thu fuath, 's an spèis riamh e nìor chuir; Ach thilg mo bhriathran air do chùl, gan diùltadh uat gu tur? Tràth chunnaic thu an gadaich' dàn, dh'aontaich thu leis na olc; 'S le luchd an adhaltranais a-rìs, b'fhear-comainn thu nan lochd. Do theanga thug thu chumadh brèig', chum uilc thug thu do bheul. Dod bhràthair shuidh thu thabhairt guth; 's do mhac do mhàthar beum'. Na nithean seo do rinneadh leat, is dh'fhan mi dhìot am thosd; Is shaoil thu mar a tha thu fhèin, gum b'amhlaidh mi gach achd; Ach cronaicheam do pheacaidh dhut, ad amharc cuiream iad; A-chum gum faiceadh do dhà shùil, nach falaichear ormsa beud. O sibhs', a dhream nach cuimhnich Dia, nis tuigibh seo na àm; Mun dèan mi liodart oirbh gu cas, gun neach dur furtachd ann. An tì bheir ìobairt molaidh uaith', 's e sin bheir dhòmhsa glòir; Oir nochdam slàinte Dhè don fhear a ghluaiseas mar as còir.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 50
Psalm of Asaph.
Yahweh God, the Mighty One, has spoken, and summoned the world from sunrise to sunset. God shines forth from Zion, the perfection of beauty. Our God comes and will not be silent; a fire devours ahead of him, a storm rages around him. He summons the heavens above, and the earth below to judgement. "Gather my faithful to me, who sealed my covenant by sacrifice." The heavens declare his justice, for God himself is judge. "Listen, my people, as I speak; Israel, hear the charges against you, for I am God, your God. I do not find fault with your sacrifices, your burnt offerings are always before me. I do not need a bull from your stall, or goats from your pens, for every beast in the wild is mine, and cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the hills, and I own all that moves in the fields. If I were hungry I would not tell you, for I own the world and everything in it. Do I eat bulls' flesh or drink goats' blood? Make thanksgiving your offering to God; keep your vows to God Most High; then call to me in troubled days. I will save you, and you will honour me." God says this to the wicked: "What right have you to mouth my laws or take my covenant on your lips? You detest my teaching, and thrust my words behind you. You go to assist a thief you see, you join in with adulterers; you use your mouth for evil, and your tongue for speaking lies; you continually slander your brother and malign your own mother's son. I said nothing at all as you did all this, so you thought I was just like you, but I charge and rebuke you to your face. Think about that, you who ignore God, lest I rend you apart with no one to save you. I am honoured by those who offer me thanks; to those who follow my way I will show God's salvation."
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))