Psalm 132


Salm 132

Air Daibhidh dèan-sa cuimhne, Dhè,
's air 'uile 'amhghar geur;
Mar thug e mionn' do Dhia, is bòid
do Dhia ud Iàcoib treun,

Dom thaigh cha tèid mi fhèin a-steach,
no air mo leabaidh suas;
Dom shùilean cadal fòs cha leig,
no do mo rosgan suain;

Gu ruig an uair am faigh mi àit
do Dhia Iehòbhah treun,
Is ionad-còmhnaidh bunaiteach
do Dhia ud Iàcoib fhèin.

Feuch, ann an crìochan Ephrata,
do chuala sinn an sgeul;
Air machairean nan coilltean dlùth,
fhuair sinn e mar an ceudn'.

Aig stòl a choise sleuchdaidh sinn,
an àros Dhè nam feart.
Eirich, a Dhè, gud ionad tàimh;
thu fhèin is àirc do neirt.

Sgeadaicht' gu robh do shagairt-sa
a-ghnàth le ionracas;
Is dèanadh do luchd-muinntir naomh
gun tàmh ùr-ghàirdeachas.

Air sgàth do sheirbhiseach ro-chaomh
Daibhidh don tug thu buaidh,
Aghaidh an tì a dh'ungadh leat,
na cuir air ais gu truagh.

Do Dhaibhidh mhionnaich Dia gu fìor;
's cha till e uaith' am feasd,
Ad chathair-rìoghail cuiridh mi
d'iarmad 's do shliochd gun cheist.

Ma nì do chlann mo choicheangal
a choimhead, is mo reachd,
An teist a nì mi theagasg dhaibh,
ma chumar leo gu ceart;

An sliochd-san suidhidh mar an ceudn'
ad chathair-rìgh, gu bràth.
Oir mhiannaich agus ròghnaich Dia
Sion mar ionad tàimh;

'S i seo mo thàmh 's mo shuaimhneas fos
gu suthainn is gu sìor;
An seo nì mo mise fardach dhomh,
oir 's i mo mhiann gu fìor.

Mòr-bheannaicheam a stòr gu pailt;
diolam a bochd le lòn.
Le slàint' a sagairt aodaicheam;
's a naoimh nì iolach mhòr.

Bheir mi an sin gu h-ùrar glas
air adharc Dhaibhidh fàs;
Is lòchran dh'ordaich mi don tì
a dh'ungadh leam tre ghràs.

Cuartaichidh mi a naimhdean-san
le nàir' is rudhadh gruaidh;
Ach airsan bidh a choron fhèin
a' fàs le iomadh buaidh.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 132

Song of ascents.

O Yahweh, remember David,
and all the trouble he endured.
He swore an oath to Yahweh,
a vow to the Mighty One of Jacob,
"I will not enter my house,
nor go to my bed;
I will not allow myself to sleep,
nor even close my eyes,
until I find a place for Yahweh,
a house for the Mighty One of Jacob."
We heard it said in Ephrathah,
and again in the fields of Jaar,
"Let us go to his dwelling-place
and worship at his footstool."
Rise up, Yahweh, and come to your home,
you and the ark of your might.
Clothe your priests in righteousness;
may your faithful sing for joy.
For the sake of your servant David,
do not reject your anointed.
Yahweh swore this oath to David,
an oath he will not break,
"I will choose your successor
from among your own sons;
if your sons keep my covenant
and the statutes which I teach them,
then they will sit on your throne
for evermore."
For Yahweh has chosen Zion;
he wants it for his home,
"This is where I will rest forever;
I will sit enthroned here,
as I have wished;
I will bless her with bountiful produce,
and fill her needy with food;
I will clothe her priests with salvation,
and her faithful will shout with joy.
I will raise there a line
of descendants for David,
and light a lamp for my anointed.
I will clothe his foes in shame,
and crown him with splendour."

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))