Psalm 61


Salm 61

Ri glaodh mo ghearain èisd, a Dhè,
  is m'ùrnaigh thoir fa-near.
O iomall talmhainn èigheam riut,
  's mo chridhe trom fo smal;

Dhia, treòraich chum na carraig mi
  as àirde na mi fhèin.
Bu thèarmann thu, 's bu chaisteal dhomh
  om eascairdean gu lèir.

Ad phàillean naomh nì mise tàmh
  gach aimsir is gach tràth;
Mo dhòigh fo dhubhar sgàil do sgèith,
  cuiridh mi fhèin gu bràth.

Oir chuala tu mo bhòidean naomh',
  's an gealladh a thug mi;
Oighreachd na muinntir thug thu dhomh
  dom eagal d'ainm, a Dhè.

Saogh'l maireann agus aimsir chian
  bheir thusa, Dhia, don Rìgh;
Mar iomadh ginealach is linn,
  a bhliadhnachan 's tu nì.

Mairidh e buan am fianais Dhè,
  gu bunaiteach 's gu bràth;
Tròcair is fìrinn deasaich dha,
  ga choimhead-san gach tràth.

Mar sin gu sìorraidh seinneam cliù
  dod ainm ro-uasal àrd,
'S mo bhòidean naomha dìolam dhut,
  o là gu là gu bràth.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 61

For the choirmaster. For strings. Of David.

O God, hear, my cry,
       and listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth
       I call to you
       with fainting heart.
Lead me to the rock
       beyond my reach.
For you are my refuge,
       a strong tower against foes.
I long to stay
       in your tent forever
and find a refuge
       beneath your wings.
For you, O God,
       have heard my vows;
you grant me the share
       of those who fear your name.
Prolong the days
       of the king's life;
let his years continue
       for age after age.
May he sit enthroned
       before God forever;
may your faithful and constant love
       watch over him.
Then I shall always
       sing praise to your name,
and fulfil my vows
       day after day.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))