Psalm 110


Salm 110

Thubhairt Iehòbhah ri mo Thriath,
  Bi 'd shuidhe air mo dheis,
D'uil' eascairdean gun cuir mi dhut
  nan stòl fo bhonn do chois'.

A Sion cuiridh Dia a-mach
  slat-shuaicheantais do neirt.
'S am buillsgean d'eascairdean gu lèir
  bi fhèin ad uachdran ceart.

Bithidh do phoball taghte fhèin
  ro-thoileach mar as còir,
San là sin anns am foillsich thu
  do chumhachdan gu mòr;

Am mais' 's an sgèimh na naomhachd ghrinn,
  o bholg na maidne moich,
Mar dhealt a thig a-nuas o nèamh,
  tha d'òigridh iomarcach.

Do mhionnaich Dia Iehòbhah mòr,
  's chan aithreach leis gun d'rinn,
Rèir òrdagh math Mhelchisedeic,
  gur sagart thu gach linn.

An Tighearna ta air do dheis,
  trom-bhuailear leis gu garg
Mòr-rìghrean làidir cumhachdach,
  san là a lasas fhearg.

Bheir esan breith measg fhineachan,
  lìonaidh gach àit gu fìor
Le corpan marbh'; is lotar leis
  na h-uachdrain thar gach tìr.

Is anns an t-slighe òlaidh e,
  deoch as na sruthan luath';
Is air an adhbhar ud fa-dheòidh
  togaidh e cheann le buaidh.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 110

Of David. Psalm.

Yahweh declared to my lord,
       "Sit at my right hand
       until I have made
       your foes a footstool for your feet."
Yahweh will stretch out your sceptre from Zion
       so that you may rule
       over all your foes.
Your people pay homage
       on the day you lead out your armies
       arrayed in holiness.
From the womb of the dawn,
       you have the dew of your youth.
Yahweh has sworn and will never retract,
       "You are a priest forever
       in the line of Melchisedek."
At your right hand
       the Lord will bring down kings
       on the day of his fury.
He will judge the nations,
       heaping up their dead;
he will bring down the rulers
       of the whole earth.
He will drink at the torrent on the way;
       and so he will hold his head high.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))