Salm 101
Breith cheart is tròcair canar leam; Dhè, seinneam dhut le ceòl. Is iomchaiream mi fhèin gu glic air slighe fhoirfe chòir. O cuin dom ionnsaigh-sa a thig thu fhèin, a Dhia nam feart? A-steach am fhàrdaich gluaisidh mi le cridhe fìorghlan ceart. Fa chomhair fòs mo shùilean fhèin cha chuir mi olc am feasd; Obair luchd-ceannairc 's fuathach leam, 's cha lean i rium gun cheist. An cridhe iargalt ceannairceach uam triallaidh e an cèin; Eòlas no furan air an daoi a-chaoidh cha chuir mi fhèin. An tì bheir beum da choimhearsnach, lom-sgriosaidh mi as 'àit; An cridhe borb chan fhuiling mi, no neach a sheallas àrd. Bidh m'air' air fìreanan na tìr', gun gabh iad còmhnaidh leam; An tì bhios foirfe glan na bheus, 's e 's òglach dhomh gach àm. Fear-dèanamh ceilg' is mealltaireachd, am thaigh-sa chan fhaigh tàmh; Am làthair, neach a labhras breug chan fhuirich e gu bràth; Lom-sgriosaidh mise fòs gu moch gach droch dhuin' as an tìr, Chum luchd an uilc a sgathadh as o chathair Dhè gu lèir.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 101
Of David. Psalm.
I will sing of your faithful love and justice; to you, O Yahweh, I will sing. I will take care to live blamelessly; when will you come to me? I will live in my house with an innocent heart; I shall not look at anything vile. The hateful work of faithless people will gain no hold on me. People of perverted hearts shall not come near me; I will have nothing to do with evil. I silence those who slander neighbours; I will not endure the proud and arrogant. I will choose the faithful of the land to live with me. Those whose ways are blameless will be my ministers. My household will have no treacherous people; no liars will come where I can see them. Every dawn I will put to silence all the wicked in the land, ridding Yahweh's city of all evil-doers.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))