Psalm 86


Salm 86

Aom rium do chluas is cluinn mi, Dhia,
  oir tha mi ainnis truagh;
Dèan thusa, chionn gum buin mi dhut,
  m'anam a dhìon gu luath;

Oir 's tu mo Dhia, saor d'òglach fhèin
  tha 'g earbsa riut a-ghnàth.
Dèan tròcair orm, a Dhia, le iochd;
  oir goiream ort gach là.

Dèan anam d'òglaich dhìleis fhèin
  fìor-aoibhinn agus ait;
Airson gun togam riut, a Dhè,
  m'anam gu lèir am airc.

Oir tha thu fhèin ro-mhath, a Dhè,
  làn iochd is acarachd;
Is tha thu do na ghairmeas ort,
  pailt ann an tròcaireachd.

Eisd m'ùrnaigh, Dhia; is thoir fa-near
  guth gearanach mo chaoidh.
An là mo thrioblaid goiream ort;
  oir freagraidh tusa mi.

Am measg nan dè chan eil, a Dhia,
  aon neach tha cosmhail riut;
No gnìomh air bith tha cosmhail ris
  gach gnìomh a rinneadh leat.

Thig iad, gach cinneach rinneadh leat,
  is sleuchdaidh dhut, a Dhè,
Is bheir iad glòir is molagh àrd
  dod ainm-sa feadh gach rè.

Airson, a Dhè, gu bheil thu mòr,
  's gun dèanar oibrean leat
Tha mìorbhaileach, 's tu fhèin a-mhàin
  Dia cumhachdach nam feart.

Do shlighe teagaisg dhomh, a Dhia,
  ad fhìrinn gluaisidh mi;
Chum eagal d'ainme gum biodh orm
  mo chridhe druid riut fhèin.

Lem uile chrìdh' àrd-mholam thu,
  O Thighearna mo Dhia;
Dod ainm ro-uasal bheir mi fòs
  àrd-ghlòir air feadh gach ial.

Oir 's mòr do thròcair dhòmhsa, Dhè,
  is fòs o ifrinn shìos
Thug thusa saors' dom anam bochd,
  is thog thu e a-nìos.

Luchd-àrdain dh'èirich rium, a Dhè,
  is cuideachd làidir dhian,
'G iarraidh m'anam', ach thus', a Dhè,
  nìor chuir iad romhpa riamh.

Ach tha thu, Dhè, mòr-thròcaireach,
  ro-iochdmhor anns gach càs;
Chum feirge mall, ach saoibhir pailt
  am fìrinn is an gràs.

O till rium, is dèan tròcair orm,
  thoir neart dod òglach fhèin,
Do mhac do bhanoglaich faraon
  dèan fuasgladh ann a fheum.

Comhar air math nochd dhòmhsa, Dhia,
  luchd m'fhuath' gum faiceadh e,
'S gun gabhadh nàir', a chionn gur tu
  mo neart, is m'fhurtachd fhèin.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 86

Prayer. Of David.

Listen to me, O Yahweh, and answer me,
       for I am poor and in need.
Guard me, for I am faithful to you;
       save your servant who trusts in you,
       for you are my God.
O Yahweh, take pity on me,
       for I call all day long to you.
Bring joy to your servant,
       for I lift up my heart to you.
You are kind and forgiving, O Yahweh,
       full of faithful love
       to all who call to you.
O Yahweh, hear my prayer,
       and listen to my cry for mercy.
In my day of distress I call to you,
       and you will answer me.
Of all the gods, O Yahweh,
       not one is like you;
       no deeds can compare with yours.
All nations will come and adore you, O Yahweh,
       and give the glory to your name;
for you are great and do wonderful deeds,
       you alone, O God, and no other.
Teach me your ways, O Yahweh,
       that I may walk in your truth;
grant me an undivided heart,
       that I may fear your name.
With all my heart I will sing your praise,
       O Yahweh my God;
I will glorify your name forever;
for great is your faithful love for me,
       you have saved my soul
       from the depths of the grave.
The proud are attacking me, O God;
       my life is sought by a ruthless gang
       which gives no thought to you.
But you, O Lord God, are compassionate and
       slow to anger,
       rich in faithful love and constancy.
Turn, then, and pity me;
       grant your servant your strength
       and rescue your maidservant's son.
Give me a sign of your favour
       that my foes may see
       and be put to shame;
for you, O Yahweh, help me and comfort me.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))