Psalm 79


Salm 79

Thàinig, a Dhè, na fineachan
  a-steach dod oighreachd fhèin,
Thruaill iad do theampall naomh, is dh'fhàg
  na tòrr Ierusalem.

Is thug iad cuirp do sheirbhiseach
  mar bhiadh do eòin nan speur;
Is feòil do naomh mar chobhartach,
  do bheathaichean an t-slèibh.

Mu thimcheall fòs Ierusaleim,
  dhòirt iad am fuil mar uisg';
Is cha robh neach gan adhlacadh
  's gan cur san uaigh an taisg.

Ball fanaid agus maslaidh sinn
  dar coimhearsnachan fhèin;
Cùis spòrs' is mhagaidh do gach neach
  a tha mar cuairt gu lèir.

Cia fhad a bhitheas corraich ort,
  a Dhè, am bi gu bràth?
Is d'eud am bi a' losgadh rinn
  mar lasair theith a-ghnàth?

Do chorraich air na cinnich dòirt
  aig nach eil eòlas ort;
Is air na rìoghachdan nach gairm
  air d'ainm, a Dhia nam feart.

Oir mhill iad Iàcob, fhàrdach fòs
  na fàsach chuir iad sìos.
Na peacaidh fòs a rinneadh leinn
  na cuimhnich dhuinn a-rìs;

Tionndadh gu luath do thruacantas,
  ruigeadh e oirnn mu thràth;
Oir 's dìblidh bochd a-nis ar staid
  a' tuiteam sìos gach là.

Dèan còmhnadh leinn, O Dhè ar slàint',
  air sgàth glòir d'ainme fhèin;
Sgàth d'ainme saor sinn, agus glan
  ar peacaidh uainn gu lèir.

Ciod uime 'n abradh fineachan,
  càit bheil a-nis an Dia?
Measg fhineachan nar sealladh fhèin,
  aithnicheadh iad an Triath,

Le dìoghaltas a ghabhail dhuibh;
  oir dhòrtadh leo gun iochd
Fuil neochiontach do sheirbhiseach,
  gu saoibhir is gu tric.

Osnaidh a' phriosanaich ad làth'r
  thigeadh, a Dhè nam feart;
'S an dream a dh'ordaicheadh chum bàis
  saor-sa, rèir meud do neirt.

Riùsan tha dhuinn nan coimhearsnaich
  nam broilleach, dìol am beum;
Gach masladh len do spreig iad thu,
  seachd uairean till riu fhèin.

Treud d'ionaltraidh, 's do phoball sinn,
  molaidh sinn thu a-ghnàth;
Is cuiridh sinn an cèill do chliù
  o linn gu linn gu bràth.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 79

Psalm. Of Asaph.

O God, the nations have invaded your heritage,
       defiled your Temple
       laid waste to Jerusalem,
They have given your servants' corpses
       for food to the birds of the air,
       the bodies of your faithful
       are given to the wild beasts.
They have spilt blood like water
       all around Jerusalem;
       none is left to bury the dead.
We are our neighbours' scorn,
       mocked and derided
       by those around us.
O Yahweh, how long will your anger last?
How long will your jealousy
       burn like fire?
Pour down wrath on nations
       which do not know you,
on the kingdoms
       which do not worship you,
for they have devoured Jacob
       and destroyed his home.
Do not count our ancestors' sins
       against us;
let your mercy
       come quickly to meet us,
       for we are in desperate need.
O God our Saviour, help us
       for the glory of your name;
deliver us; forgive our sins,
       for the sake of your name.
Why should the nations ask,
       "Where is their God?"
Let us see your servants' blood
       avenged among the nations.
Let the prisoners' groans rise before you;
       by your arm's strength,
       save the condemned.
O Yahweh, heap on our neighbours
       seven times their insults to you.
Then we your people,
       the sheep of your pasture,
       will praise you forever;
from age to age
       we will tell your praise.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))