Psalm 75


Salm 75

Dhut bheir sinn buidheachas, a Dhè,
  dhut buidheachas a-ghnàth;
Oir foillsichidh do mhìorbhailean,
  gur fagas d'ainm gach là.

Tràth gheibh mi is a ghlacar leam
  coitheanal mòr na tìr',
Do nì mi dhaibh deagh bhreitheanas,
  gu cothromach 's gu fìor.

Sgaoileadh an dùthaich, is an sluagh
  ga h-àiteachadh a tha;
Ach mise cumaidh suas gu treun
  postan na tìr a-ghnàth.

Thubhairt mi ris gach amadan,
  Na gluais gu h-amaideach;
'S ri luchd an uilc, Na togaibh suas
  ur n-adharc àrdanach.

Ur n-adharc fòs na togaibh suas,
  ri cainnt le muineal cruaidh.
Chan ann on ear, no 'n iar, no deas,
  thig urram mòr no buaidh.

Ach 's britheamh Dia, a leagas aon,
  's a thogas aon fa seach.
Oir cup an làimh an Tighearn tha
  den fhìon as deirge dreach;

Làn coimeisg tha e, dòirtidh Dia
  cuid as a-mach gu grad;
A dheasgainn fàisgidh daoine daoi,
  is òlaidh iad air fad.

Ach cuiridh mise fòs an cèill
  gu suthainn is gu sìor,
Do Dhia ud Iàcoib canar leam
  àrd-mholadh binn gu fìor.

Uil' adhaircean nan daoine daoi,
  sgathaidh mi sìos 's gach àit;
Ach adhaircean nan saoi air fad
  togar gu grad an àird.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 75

For the choirmaster. Tune: ‘Do not destroy’. Psalm. Of Asaph. Song.

We thank you, O God, we give you thanks;
       we call on your name
       and recall your wonderful deeds.
You say, "I choose the proper time,
       I am the one who judges justly.
When the earth quakes and all its people,
       I am holding the pillars in place.
I tell the proud to stop their boasting,
       and the wicked to distrust their strength.
Do not test your strength with the heavens;
       do not talk with arrogant looks!'
None from the east nor from the west;
       none from the desert decides who has power.
It is God who judges,
       he brings one down
       and exalts another.
The hand of Yahweh bears a cup
       filled with wine and spices;
he pours the wine, the wicked drink
       and drain it to the dregs.
But I will proclaim him forever;
       I will sing in praise
       to the God of Jacob.
I will smash the power of the wicked,
       but the power of the just
       will be lifted high.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))