Salm 35
Tagair, a Dhia, ri luchd mo strì; cuir cath ri luchd mo chath'. Glac fhèin do thargaid, is do sgiath, èirich, dèan còmhnadh math. Glac fòs do shleagh, 's air luchd mo thòir am bealach druid gu teann: Rim anam abair fhèin mar seo, Is mi do chòmhnadh ann. Trom-nàir' is masladh gu robh dhaibh tha 'g iarraidh m'anam bochd: Is tilleadh iad le amhluadh geur, tha smaoineachadh dhomh lochd. Biodh iad mar mhuilnean dol le gaoith: nan tòir biodh aingeal Dhè: Biodh aingeal Dhè gan ruith gu teann; dorch sleamhainn biodh an ceum. Oir lìontan leag iad air mo shon, gun adhbhar no cion-fàth: Is sloc gun adhbhar chladhaich iad, chum m'anam chur an sàs. Gun fhios da, thigeadh dòrainn air, is glacar e san lìon A dh'fhalaich e: san dòrainn cheudn' tuiteadh e fhèin gu dian. Nì m'anam gàirdeachas an Dia; 's na fhurtachd sòlas mòr. Is their mo chnàmhan uile, Dhè, cò choimeas riuts' as còir? Nì teasairginn don duine bhochd on neach tha air ro-threun, An t-ainnis is am bochd on tì lem b'àill a chlaoidh gu lèir. Luchd fianais bhrèige dh'èirich rium, is chuir iad as mo leth Na nithean sin gu h-eucorach, nach b'fhiosrach mi am bith. Olc dhìol iad rium an èirig maith, chum m'anam chur fo leòn. Ach mis', air bhith dhaibh siud gu tinn, ghabh umam culaidh bhròin: M'anam le trasgadh dh'ùmhlaich mi, 's thill m'ùrnaigh ann am chrios. Mar charaid, bràth'r no fear-caoidh màth'r gu brònach crom ghluais mis'. Ach chruinnich iad, is bha iad ait, air bhith dhomh ann an teinn: Gun fhios domh, chruinnich cuideachd thàir, gun tàmh mo reubadh rinn. Le cealgairean gu fanaideach, nam fèisd rinn spòrsa dhìom, Do chasadh leo am fiaclan rium, ri magadh orm gu dian. Cia fhad as lèir dhut seo, a Dhè? saor m'anam fhèin gu cas Om milleadh-san: mo sheircean fòs, tèarainn o leòmhnan bras. Làn-bhuidheachas do bheir mi dhut am measg an tionail mhòir; 'S am measg an t-sluaigh tràth 's lìonmhor iad, àrd-mholam thu le glòir. Mo naimhdean tha gun adhbhar rium, na biodh ac' aoibhneas dhìom: Don dream a thug dhomh fuath gun chùis am chaogadh sùl na bìom. Oir ann an sìth chan eil an tlachd, ach ann am beairtean claon, An aghaidh dhaoine ciùin na tìr', gam buaireadh air gach taobh. Gu farsaing dh'fhosgail iad am beul, is rium, Hà, hà, a deir, Chunnaic a-nis ar sùil an nì bu mhiannach leinn teachd air. Ach chunnaic thusa seo, a Dhia; na bi ad thosd am fheum: A Thighearn is a Dhia nam feart, na fuirich uam an cèin. Tog ort, is mosgail chum mo cheirt, fam chùis, mo Dhia, 's mo Rìgh. Dhia, dèan a rèir do cheartais breith, is dhaibh na b'aoibhneas mi. Nan crìdh' na abradh iad riu fhèin, Hà, hà, 's e siud ar miann: Is fòs na abradh iad a-chaoidh, Do shluig sinn e gu dian. Biodh orra nàir, is tàirngear iad gu amhluadh mòr le chèil', A tha gu suilbhir is gu h-ait, ri faicinn m'àmhghair ghèir: Is biodh iad air an sgeadachadh le masladh is le nàir', Tha 'g iarraidh urraim mhòir dhaibh fhèin am aghaidh-sa gun tàmh. Biodh aoibhneas orra, 's gàirdeachas, a sheasas dhomh mo chòir: Is abradh iad, Mòr-chliù gu robh do Thighearna na glòir', Tha gabhail tlachd do shonas buan a sheirbhisich a-ghnàth. Is air do cheartas thig mo bheul, is air do chliù gach là.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 35
Of David.
Withstand them, O Yahweh, who strive against me; fight against those who fight against me. Grasp shield and buckler; arise to my aid. Shake spear and javelin against my pursuers, and say to my soul, "I am your salvation." Shame and disgrace on those out to kill me! May those plotting against me be repulsed in dismay. May they be chaff in the wind with Yahweh's angel pursuing them; may their way be dark and slippery with Yahweh's angel chasing them. Unprovoked they hid their net for me; unprovoked they dug a trap for me. Unforeseen ruin overtakes them, their own net entangles them, they fall in their own pit to be destroyed. Then my soul shall delight in Yahweh, and rejoice that he has saved me. My whole being will cry out, "O Yahweh, who is like you, who rescues the poor from those who oppress them, the poor and the needy from those who rob them?" Malicious witnesses come out against me to ask me questions I cannot answer. They repay me evil for good, lying in wait to make me forlorn. Yet when they were ill, I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting. When my prayers went unanswered I went about mourning as though for friend or brother, with head bowed in grief as if mourning my mother. But when I stumbled they thronged me in glee. Unexpected attackers gathered against me; they slandered unceasingly. If I slip they surround me, grinding their teeth at me. How much longer, O Yahweh, will you just look at them? Rescue my life from those set to destroy me, my precious life from lions. Then I shall praise you in the great assembly; among crowds of people I shall give thanks to you. Let no treacherous enemy gloat over me; nor those who hate me without reason leer at me spitefully. They do not speak peacefully, but think up false charges against peaceful people. They accuse me with shouting mouths: "With our own eyes we saw it!" O Lord, you saw it, do not remain silent; O Yahweh, stay near me; awake, and rise to my defence; contend for me, my God and Lord. O Yahweh, my God, judge me in your righteousness, and do not allow them to gloat over me. Let them not think, "That is just what we wanted!" Let them not say, "We have swallowed him up!" May all who gloat over my distress be confused and dismayed, covered with shame and disgrace; all who exalt themselves. But let all who delight in my vindication shout with joy and gladness; Let them always say, "All glory to Yahweh who delights to see his servant prosper." My tongue shall speak of your saving justice, and all day long I shall sing your praise.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))