Psalm 25


Salm 25

Dhia, togam m'anam riutsa suas.
  Mo Dhia, mo mhuinghinn dheas;
Am ionnsaigh na leig adhbhar nàir';
  dom eascar gàirdeachas.

Fo nàir' is mhasladh na leig neach
  don gnàth bhith feitheamh ort:
Ach nàire gu robh air an dream
  a nì gun adhbhar lochd.

Foillsich do shlighe dhomh, a Dhè,
  ad cheuman teagaisg mi:
Is treòraich mi ad fhìrinn ghlain,
  's mo theagasg dèan, a Dhè:

Oir 's tu as Tighearn ann gu dearbh,
  's tu 's slàinte dhomh a-ghnàth,
Is ort a tha mi feitheamh fòs
  le foighid mhòir gach là.

Cuimhnich, a Dhè, do thròcair chaomh,
  do choibhneas làn de ghràdh:
O chian nan cian a ta iad ann,
  san aimsir fad on là.

Na cuimhnich peacaidh m'òige dhomh
  's na lochdan a rinn mi;
A rèir do thròcair cuimhnich orm,
  air sgàth do ghràis, a Dhè.

Is math 's is dìreach Dia nan dùl:
  is air an adhbhar ud
Do nìthear leis na peacaich thruagh'
  a theagasg anns an ròd.

Treòraichidh e na daoine ciùin'
  am breitheanas gu ceart:
'S na daoine mìne teagaisgidh
  na shlighe, Dia nam feart.

An tròcair is an fhìrinn rèidh
  siud sligh' ar Dè 's gach ball;
Don dream a chumas gealladh ris,
  's nach leig a theist air chall.

Sgàth d'ainme, lagh mo chionta fòs,
  oir tha siud mòr, a Dhè.
Cò 'm fear don eagal Dia? San t-sligh'
  's ion-roghnaidh seòlaidh e.

An seasgaireachd nì 'anam tàmh,
  's le shliochd le ceart an tìr.
Tha rùn an Tighearn aig an dream
  don eagal e gu fìor:

Is nìthear leis a chumhnant fòs
 fhoillseachadh dhaibh gu ceart.
A ta mo shùilean fhèin a-ghnàth
  ri Tighearna nam feart,

Airson gun spìonar leis mo chos
  gu h-aithghearr as an rib.
Till thugam, is dèan tròcair orm:
  am aonar tàim, 's fo dhrip.

Tha teinn mo chrìdh' a' dol am meud;
  saor mi om àmhghar geur.
Seall air mo phèin, is m'anshocair,
  's mo pheacaidh lagh gu lèir.

Mo naimhdean guineach thoir fa-near,
  oir tha iad lìonmhor ann;
Fuath nimhneach agus mìorunach
  tha aca dhomh nach gann.

Dhia, coimhead m'anam, 's furtaich orm:
  na leig fo nàire mi;
Mo dhòchas uile leig mi ort,
  airson gur tu mo Rìgh.

Nis dèanadh ionracas is còir
  mo dhìon, 's mi feitheamh ort.
Dhia, fuasgail air cloinn Israeil,
  on uile àmhghar goirt.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 25

Of David. Alphabetical.

To you, O Yahweh,
       I lift up my soul.
I put my trust in you, my God;
do not let me be put to shame,
       nor let my foes exult over me.
None who hope in you
       will ever be put to shame;
let them be shamed
       who break faith without cause.
Make your ways known to me, O Yahweh,
       and teach me your paths;
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my saviour,
       and I wait for you all the day long.
O Yahweh, remember your faithful love and
       for they have been yours forever.
Do not remember the sins of my youth
       and my transgressions;
but remember me in your faithful love,
       and your goodness, O Yahweh.
Yahweh is good and righteous;
       he teaches sinners to go his way.
He leads the humble in what is right,
       and teaches them his way.
Unfailing in love and constancy
       are the ways of Yahweh
       for those who observe
       the demands of his covenant.
For the sake of your name, O Yahweh,
       forgive my sin, however great.
Who is the person who fears Yahweh?
       He will teach such the chosen path.
It will lead to days spent prosperously,
       and the children will inherit the land.
Yahweh makes friends with those who fear him,
       and makes his covenant known to them.
My eyes are always fixed on Yahweh,
       for he will free my feet from the snare.
Turn to me and be kind to me,
       for I am alone and distressed.
Relieve the troubles of my heart,
       save me from my anguish.
Look at my anguish and pain,
       and forgive me all my sins.
See how my foes have increased,
       and how violently they hate me.
Guard my life and rescue me;
       let me not be put to shame,
       for you are where I find refuge.
Let virtue and justice protect me;
       in you I put my trust.
Deliver Israel, O God,
       from all their troubles.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))