Salm 20
Gum freagradh Dia thu ann an là do thrioblaid, is do phèin! Gun dèanadh ainm Dhè Iàcoib fòs sìor-choimhead ort ad fheum: Gun cuireadh thugad cuideachadh tràth, as a theampall naomh: Is dèanadh e do neartachadh à Sion fhèin gu caomh. Cuimhnicheadh e gu gràsmhor dhut d'uil' ofrailean gu grad, Is gabhadh e gu taitneach uat d'ìobairtean loisgt' air fad. A rèir deagh rùin do chridhe fhèin, tiùbhradh e dhut gu math; Coileanadh e gach comhairle tha ann ad chridhe staigh. Nì sinne aoibhneas ann ad shlàint', is ann an ainm ar Dia, Suas togaidh sinn ar brataichean: Dia dheònaich' d'uile mhiann! Nis 's fiosrach mi gun teasairg e an tì a dh'ungadh leis: Is le neart-saoraidh deaslàimh' Dhè o nèamh gun èisdear ris. Tha cuid ag earbs' à carbadan, is cuid à eich tha àrd'; Ach ainm an Tighearna ar Dia cuimhnichidh sinn 's gach àit. Dh'ìslicheadh iadsan, 's thuit iad sìos: ach dh'èirich sinn is sheas. Dhia, fòir, is èisdeadh rinn an Rìgh, tràth nì sinn gearan ris.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 20
For the choirmaster. Psalm. Of David.
May Yahweh hear you in time of trouble, may the God of Jacob's name protect you! May he send you help from the sanctuary, and support you from Zion. May he remember all your offerings, and delight in your sacrifices! May he grant the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed! Then we shall hail your victory, and lift up our flags in the name of God. May Yahweh grant all that you ask! Now I know that Yahweh saves his anointed, and answers him from his holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand. Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust the name of Yahweh our God. They all crumple and fall, while we rise up and stand firm. O Yahweh, save the king, and answer us when we call.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))