Salm 16
Dhia, coimhead mi, oir annad fhèin a tha mo dhòigh gu fìor; O m'anam, thubhairt thu ri Dia, is tu mo Thriath gu sìor. Mo mhaitheas ort gu dearbh cha ruig; ach air na naoimh a tha Air thalamh, 's air na flaithean fìor ga bheil mo ghean 's mo ghràdh. Mòr-mheudaichear an doilgheas dhaibh, a dheifricheas gu luath Air lorg dhè eile coimheach brèig', a' cur ri cràbadh truagh: An ìobairt-dhibhe tha de fhuil chan ofrail mi gun cheist, Is air an ainmean ann am bheul cha toir mi luaidh am feasd. Cuibhreann mo chup' is m'oighreachd Dia: 's tu sheasas dhomh mo chrann. An àitean aoibhneach thuit mo lìon: 's leam oighreachd bhrèagh' nach gann. Bheir mise buidheachas do Dhia, thug comhairl' orm am fheum: Tha m'àirnean fòs an àm na h-oidhch' gam theagasg mar an ceudn'. Do chuir mi romham, anns gach cùis, an Tighearn mòr a-ghnàth; Chionn air mo dheaslàimh gu bheil e, cha ghluaisear mi gu bràth. Mo chridh' nì aoibhneas uime sin, nì gàirdeachas mo ghlòir; Nì m'fheòil fòs còmhnaidh fhoistinneach le dìon an dòchas mòr. Oir anns an uaigh chan fhàgar leat shìos m'anam, air aon achd: 'S cha leig thu fòs dod sheircean naomh gum faic e truaillidheachd. Dhomh sligh' na beatha nochdaidh tu: ad làthair làn aoibhneas tha, Is aig do dheaslàimh fhèin, a Dhè, mòr shubhachas gu bràth.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 16
Hymn. Of David.
Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I said to Yahweh, "You are my Lord; from you alone comes all I hold good." I am filled with delight by the noble ones, the godly ones of the earth. Those who follow other gods will find that their sorrows increase. I will not pour their libations of blood, nor take their names on my lips. O Yahweh, my birthright, my cup; you have made my portion secure. The division of land gave me pleasant places, my inheritance is lovely indeed. I bless Yahweh, who counsels me, even at night my heart instructs me. I keep Yahweh always before me; with him at my right hand nothing can shake me. So my heart is glad, and my spirit rejoices; my body also will rest secure; you will not abandon me to the grave, nor let your faithful one see decay. You will teach me the path of life; your presence brings unending joy, your right hand grants delight forever.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))