Salm 10
Ciod uime 'n seas thu fad o làimh, Iehòbhah làidir thrèin? An aimsir teinn is trioblaid mhòir an dèan thu d'fhalach fhèin? An droch dhuin' tha na àrdan borb gu dian air tòir a' bhochd; Ach glacar iad sna h-innleachdan a dhealbh iad fhèin chum lochd. Oir nì an droch dhuin' ràiteachas à miann a chridhe fhèin; 'S na daoine sanntach moladh e, ge beag air Dia am mèin. An droch dhuin' am fìor-àrdan gruaidh cha ghoir e air an Triath; Na chridhe chan eil uair air bith gnè smaoineachaidh air Dia. Tha 'uile shlighe doilgheasach, o shealladh 's àrd do bhreith; A' sèideadh pluic gu fanaideach, mu 'eascairdean gach leth. Na chridhe fhèin do labhair e, am feasd cha ghluaisear mi: Oir cha tig àmhghar orm gu bràth, no trioblaid fòs gam chlaoidh. Den ìogan, mhallachadh, 's de ghò, a bheul-san làn a ta: Tha aimleas mòr is dìomhanas fo theangaidh-san a-ghnàth. An diamhaireachd nam bailtean beag' gnàth-suidhidh e gun fhios; Tha shùil air bochd 's air neochiontach, gam mort an uaignidheas. Tha shùilean nimhneach mar an ceudn', ro-ghuineach geur gu lochd, A' dearcadh ann an diamhaireachd chum sgrios an fhìrein bhochd. Mar leòmhann laigh' am foill a ta, na thàmh an garaidh dìon, Ghabhail nam bochd: is ghlac e iad gan tarraing ann a lìon. Crùbaidh is cromaidh e gu làr, chum dha nach mothaich neach: Le laochraidh chum gun leagadh e am bochd a' gabhail seach. Is thubhairt e na chridhe fhèin, Dhìochuimhnich Dia gun cheist: Seadh, dh'fhalaich e a ghnùis an cèin, cha lèir dha siud am feasd. Iehòbhah, èirich suas an àird, a Dhia tha neartmhor treun, Tog suas do làmh: 's na dearmaid chaoidh na deòraidh bhochd' nam feum. Na daoine dona, cuim' an dèan iad tarcais ort, a Dhè? An neach ud thubhairt na chridh' fhèin, chan fhiosraichear leat e. Chunnaic thu sin, oir dhut is lèir gach dochair is gach spìd, A-chum led làimh gun toir thu dhaibh comain an uilc a nì 'd: 'S ann ortsa dh'fhàg an duine bochd e fhèin a chur fo dhìon, O 's tu fear-cuidich agus neart nan dìlleachdan gun mhaoin. Gàirdean an droch dhuin' is an daoi leòn thus', is bhris, a Dhè; Is rannsaich 'uile lochd gu geur, gu ruig nach faighear e. Gu suthainn is gu sìorraidh fòs, Iehòbhah tha na Righ: Sgriosadh na cinnich as gu tur, is ghlanadh as a thìr. Miann nan daoin' umhail chual tu Dhè, an cridhe nì thu gleusd; Is bheir thu air do chluais gu beachd an gearan-san gun èisd: A chumail ceirt ri dìlleachdain, 's ri daoine brùite truagh', A-chum nach tugadh duin' on ùir nas mò air fòirneart luaidh.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 10
Why, O Yahweh, do you keep far off? Why do you hide in troubled times? The arrogant wicked hunt down the weak, and trap them in schemes they devise. They boast of the cravings of their hearts; they bless the greedy and curse Yahweh. In their pride the wicked ignore him; God has no place at all in their thoughts. Their ways are always prosperous; your judgements are above their heads; they scoff at all their enemies. They tell themselves that nothing will shake them, that happiness lasts without fear of trouble. Their mouths are all curses, deceit and oppression; trouble and evil are under their tongues. They lurk in ambush outside the towns, watching in secret to murder the innocent. They lie in wait like a lion in cover; they lie in wait to catch the helpless, to catch the helpless enmeshed in their nets. Their victims are crushed and collapse, they fall under their power. They say to themselves that God has forgotten and covered his face and notices nothing. Arise, O Yahweh! Raise your hand, O God, and do not forget the afflicted. Why are the wicked allowed to curse God, and say to themselves he will never take note? You do notice trouble and grief, O God, you watch it and take it in hand; the victims commit themselves to you; you come to the aid of orphans. Break the arms of the wicked and evil; search out evil until there is none. Yahweh is king for ever and ever; the heathen will vanish from his land. You hear, O Yahweh, the desires of the poor; you give them courage and hear their cry, you give the verdict for orphan and oppressed, so that earthborn mortals cause terror no more.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))