Psalm 143


Salm 143

Rim ùrnaigh èisd, is aom do chluas
rim athchuinge, a Dhè;
Ad fhìrinn, is ad cheartas àrd,
gu gràsmhor freagair mi.

Na tionnsgain ann am breitheanas
led òglach dìleas fhèin;
Oir 's dearbh nach saorar duine beò
ad fhianais ann am binn.

Oir lean an nàmhaid eucorach
le tòir ghèir m'anam bochd,
Mo bheatha thilg e sìos le tàir,
leag ris an làr gun iochd;

Is chuir e mi an dorchadas
chum còmhnaidh ann gu truagh;
Is ionnan mi 's an dream gu dearbh
bhiodh fada marbh san uaigh.

Is uime sin tha m'anam bàtht'
gu cràiteach ann am chom;
Mo chrìdh' am chliabh gu muladach,
air fàs gu tùirseach trom.

Na làith' o chian do chuimhnich mi,
tàim cnuasachadh gun tàmh
D'oibrean gu lèir; 's a' smaoineachadh
air gnìomharan do làmh.

Mo làmhan shìn mi riutsa suas;
an geall tha m'anam ort,
Amhlaidh mar bhitheas fearann cruaidh
air tiormachadh le tart.

Eisd rium, a Thighearna, gu grad;
chaidh as dom anam bochd;
Do ghnùis na ceil, chum nach bi mi
mar dhream thèid sìos don t-sloc.

Thoir orm gun cluinnear leam, gu moch,
guth binn do choibhneis ghràidh;
Oir annad chuir mi fhèin gu mòr
mo dhòchas is mo dhòigh;

Am bealach fòs an gluaisear leam,
thoir orm gun aithnich mi;
Oir riutsa tha mi togail suas
mo spioraid thruaigh, a Dhè.

Om naimhdean guineach teasairg mi,
O Thighearn is a Rìgh;
Ad ionnsaigh theich mi fòs, a-chum
gum falaicht' leatsa mi.

Do thoil a dhèanamh teagaisg dhomh,
oir 's tu mo Dhia gu beachd;
O 's math do spiorad; treòraich mi
gu tìr na fìreantachd.

Sgàth d'ainme beothaich mi gu treun,
a Dhè Iehòbhah mhòir;
Sgàth d'fhìreantachd, saor m'anam bochd
o thrioblaid ghoirt 's o leòn.

Cuir as dom naimhdean tre do ghràs,
is sgrios iad sin gu lèir
A tha cur m'anam' thruaigh fo leòn;
oir 's mise d'òglach fhèin.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 143

Psalm. Of David.

O Yahweh, hear my prayer;
       listen to my supplications,
by your constancy and justice;
       answer me.
Do not bring your servant to trial,
       for no one alive is guiltless to you.
The enemy pursues me,
       crushing my life to the ground,
forcing me into the darkness
       like those long dead.
My spirit faints within me;
       my very heart is dismayed.
My thoughts return to times long past;
       reflecting on all your works,
       and I think about all that you did.
I stretch out my hands to you;
       I thirst for you like an arid land.
O Yahweh, answer me quickly;
       my spirit faints with worry.
Do not turn your face from me,
       or I will be like those cast into the pit.
At dawn bring me word of your faithful love,
       for I have put my trust in you;
show me the way I must go,
       for I lift up my soul to you.
O Yahweh, save me from my foes,
       for I find protection in you.
Teach me to do your will,
       for you are my God;
may your gracious spirit guide me
       on to level ground.
For the sake of your name
       save my life, O Yahweh;
in your righteousness,
       save me from trouble.
By your faithful love,
       silence my foes;
kill all my enemies,
       for I am your servant.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))