Salm 119
'S beannaicht' an dream tha foirfe glan san t-slighe dhìrich cheirt; An dream a ghluaiseas ann an lagh àrd-Thighearna nam feart. 'S beannaicht' an aitim ud faraon len coimhdear teisteas Dhè, 'S a dh'iarras e gu dìcheallach, len uile chridhe fhèin. Na shlighean-san sìor ghluaisear leo, 's cha dèan iad aingidheachd. Dh'àithn thu dhuinn gun coimheadamaid gu dìcheallach do reachd. O stiùir mo cheum, 's gun coimhdear leam do reachdan dìreach fhèin! Cha ghabh mi nàir', tràth bheir mi spèis dod àitheantan gu lèir. Le cridhe treibhdhireach gun ghò mòr-mholam thu gu binn, Tràth dh'fhòghlamas mi breitheanais do cheartais naomha ghrinn. 'S e seo mo rùn gun coimhdear leam do reachdan naomh' a-ghnàth; O Thighearna, na trèig-sa mi gu buileach no gu bràth.
Ciod leis an glan an t-òganach a shlighe fhèin gu ceart? Trid faicill mhaith is furachrais, rèir d'fhacail is do reachd. Lem uile chridhe fhèin, a Dhè, dh'iarradh leam thu gu caomh; Na leig dhomh dol air seacharan od àitheantan ro-naomh. Air eagal peacaidh, dh'fhalaich mi naomh am chridhe d'fhacal ceart. O teagaisg dhomh do reachdan 's beannaicht' thu, Dhia nam feart. Lem bhilean, breitheanais do bhèil nochd mi air fad 's air leud. Slighe do theisteis b'aoibhnich' leam na saoibhreas mòr da mheud. Socraichidh mi mo smaoineachadh air àitheantan do reachd; Air ceumannan do shlighe fhèin sìor dhearcaidh mi le beachd. Gabhaidh mi tlachd is ciata mhath dod statuisean gu lèir; Air dearmad fòs cha leig mi chaoidh deagh fhacal glan do bhèil.
Riumsa, tha 'm òglach dhut, a Dhè, dèan toirbheartas gach àm; A-chum gum bithinn beò, is fòs gun coimhdear d'fhacal leam. Fosgail mo shùilean, 's chì mi 'n sin mòr-iongantais do reachd. 'S coigreach air thalamh mi; na ceil orm d'àitheantan ro-cheart. Tha m'anam briste brùite staigh, is muladach a-ghnàth; Aig meud mo thograidh is mo mhiann dod bhreitheanais gach tràth. Luchd-uabhair mhallaicht' smachdaich thu, a chlaon od iarrtas ceart. Cuir spìd is masladh fada uam, oir choimhdeadh leam do reachd. Am aghaidh labhair prionnsan mòr', air suidhe dhaibh le chèil', Ach air do statuisean ro-naomh do smaoinich d'òglach fhèin. A ta mi gabhail tlachd gu mòr dod theisteis naomha fhèin; Is mar an ceudna tha iad dhomh nan comhairlich am fheum.
Tha m'anam leantainn ris an ùir, rèir d'fhacail beothaich mi. Nochd mi mo shligh', is dh'èisd thu rium, seòl dhomh do lagh, a Dhè. Air slighe fhìorghlain d'àitheantan thoir dhòmhsa tuigse gheur; Mar sin air d'oibrean iongantach labhram, gan cur an cèill. Tha m'anam leaghadh as le bròn; rèir d'fhacail deònaich neart. Cuir slighe bhreugach fada uam; ad ghràs thoir dhomh do reachd. Slighe na fìrinn foirfe glain, is i bu roghainn leam; Is chuir mi do cheart bhreitheanais fam chomhair fhèin gach àm. Lean mi gu dlùth 's gu faiceallach rid theisteis naomha fhèin; Na cuir gu h-amhluadh nàire mi, O Thighearna ro-thrèin. An slighe fhìorghloin d'àitheantan sìor ruithidh mi le tlachd; Tràth nìthear leat mo chridhe teann a chur am farsaingeachd.
Slighe do statuin teagaisg dhomh, O Dhia Iehòbhah thrèin. Is coimhdeam i gu dìcheallach, gu crìch mo shaoghail fhèin. Tuigs' agus eòlas tabhair dhomh, is coimhdidh mi do reachd; Is fòs lem uile chridhe fhèin coimhdear leam e gu beachd. An ceum do lagh' thoir orm bhith triall, oir leam 's ro-thlachdmhor e. Gud theisteis naomh', 's chan ann gu sannt, mo chridhe lùb, a Dhè. Mo shùilean till mun amhairc mi air dìomhanas gun stàth; Ach ann do shlighean naomha fhèin ath-bheothaich mi a-ghnàth. O daingnich d'fhacal fìrinneach dod òglach fhèin gu mòr; Don neach thug suas e fhèin air fad dod eagal mar as còir. Till uam an nàir as eagal leam; oir 's math do bhreith, a Dhè. Feuch, 's miannach leamsa d'àitheantan; ad cheartas beothaich mi.
Thigeadh do thròcair mar an ceudn' am ionnsaigh fhèin, a Dhè; Do chomhfhurtachd, 's do shlàinte chaomh, a rèir do gheallaidh fhèin. Mar sin don neach bheir masladh dhomh, bidh agam freagradh deas; Oir ann ad fhacal fìrinneach mo dhòchas cuiridh mis'. Facal na fìrinn na buin leat gu h-iomlan as mo bheul; Oir ann ad bhreitheanais ro-cheart a ta mo dhòchas fhèin. Mar sin gu suthainn is gu sìor, gnàth-choimhdidh mi do reachd; Airson gun iarram d'àitheantan, gluaiseam am farsaingeachd. Ri rìghrean labhram air do theist, gun amhluadh orm no sgàth. Is gabham tlachd dod àitheantan, 's ann dhaibh a thug mi gràdh. Rid àitheantan don tug mi toil, togam mo làmhan fhèin; Is ann ad statuisean ro-naomh bitheam ri cnuasachd ghèir.
Cuimhnich am facal ud, a Dhè,
dod òglach fhèin a-nis,
Thug thu mar bharrant dòchais dhomh,
's thug orm gun d'earb mi ris.
'S e seo mo chomhfhurtachd ro-mhòr
am theinn 's am àmhghar geur;
Oir rinn do bhriathar fìrinneach
m'ath-bheothachadh gu treun.
Bha mi mar adhbhar fanaid mhòir
aig daoine àrdanach;
Gidheadh cha d'aom mi o do lagh,
le claonadh seachranach.
Do bhreitheanais a tha o chian,
chuimhnich mi, Dhia, gu lèir;
Is ghlac mi thugam fhèin an sin
deagh chomhfhurtachd am fheum.
Airson gun d'thrèig an daoi do lagh,
ghlac uamhann mi gu mòr.
An taigh mo chuairt is m'oilthìre,
do statuin b'iad mo cheòl.
Chuimhnich mi d'ainm san oidhch', a Dhè,
is choimhdeadh leam do reachd.
B'e seo mo chuid, oir choimhead mi
d'iarrtais, a Dhè, gu beachd.
Mo chuibhreann is mo chrannchur thu, O Thighearn is a Dhè; Le gealladh cinnteach thubhairt mi, gun coimhdinn d'fhacal fhèin. Lem uile chridhe dh'iarr mi ort do ghnùis 's do ghràsan saor; A rèir do bhriathair fhìrinnich, dèan tròcair orm gu caoin. Do chnuasaich mi mo shlighe fhèin, 's rid theisteas thill mo chos. Rinn deifir choimhead d'àitheantan 's nìor ghabh mi tàmh no fois. Chreach buidheann aingidh mi; gidheadh nìor dhearmaid mi do reachd. Eiream mu mheadhon oidhche, chum gum molam do bhreith cheart. 'S fear-comainn mi is companach don dream don eagal thu; 'S don aitim ud a choimhdeas fòs d'fhìor-àitheantan gu dlùth. A Thighearna, tha 'n talamh làn ded ghràs 's ded thròcair chaoimh; Tuigs' agus eòlas tabhair dhomh ad statuisean ro-naomh.
Dod òglach rinn thu math, a Dhè, a rèir do bhriathair cheirt. Deagh thuigs' is eòlas teagaisg dhomh, oir chreid mi fhèin do reachd. Mun robh mi 'n teinn, air seachran chaidh; ach d'fhacal ghlèidh mi nis. 'S math thus', is nìthear maitheas leat; ad statuin teagaisg mis'. Am aghaidh luchd an àrdain bhuirb dhealbh breugan baoth le chèil', Ach gleidhidh mise d'àitheantan lem chridhe fhèin gu lèir. Tha 'n cridhe-san cho reamhar fòs ri saill aig meud an sògh; Ach gabhaidh mise tlachd dhomh fhèin ad lagh-sa, Dhè, gach lò. 'S math dhòmhs' a-nis gu robh mi fhèin an teinn 's an àmhghar geur, A-chum gum fòghlamainn le beachd do statuin cheart gu lèir. 'S fheàrr dhomh gu mòr an lagh a tha a' teachd od bheul a-mach Na mìltean mòr den airgead ghlan, 's den òr as deirge dreach.
Do rinn, 's do dhealbh do làmhan mi;
dèan tuigseach mi da rèir,
A-chum gum faighinn eòlas math
Air d'àitheantan gu lèir.
Tràth chì luchd d'eagail mi, bi 'd ait;
oir dh' earb mi as do theist.
Dhia, 's ceart do bhreitheanais, 's le còir
leòn thusa mi gun cheist.
Dhè, guidheam ort, do thròcair chaoin
bhith dhomh mar chomhfhurtachd;
A rèir an fhacail labhair thu
rid òglach fhèin gu beachd.
O thigeadh thugam fhèin a-nis
do thròcair chaomh, a Dhè,
Gam chumail beò; oir 's e do lagh
mo thlachd 's mo mhiann gach rè.
Biodh nàir' air luchd an àrdain mhòir,
bhuin riumsa, gun chion-fàth,
Gu fealltach fiar; ach smaoinicheam
air d'àitheantan a-ghnàth.
Tilleadh luchd d'eagail rium, 's an dream
tha eòlach air do theist.
Gu robh mo chridhe ceart ad reachd,
nach nàraichear mi 'm feasd.
Tha m'anam air a chlaoidh gu mòr, feitheamh do shlàinte, Dhè; Ach tha mo dhòchas bunaiteach ad fhacal tairis fhèin. A' feitheamh d'fhacail chaith mo shùil; furtachd, O cuin a nì? Oir tàim mar shearraig anns an toit; 's do reachd nìor dhearmaid mi. Cia lìon iad làithean d'òglaich fhèin? is fòs, a Dhè, cia uair Chuireas tu breitheanas an gnìomh orra tha orms' an tòir? An dream tha làn den àrdan bhorb, chladhaich iad dhomh gu beachd Sluic dhomhain, chum mo ghlacadh leo, nach robh a rèir do reachd. An tòir gu fealltach tha iad orm; Dhè, cuidich leam gu grad; Oir tairis agus fìrinneach tha d'àitheantan air fad. Air talamh chaidh ach beag mo chlaoidh; nìor thrèig mi d'iarrtas naomh. 'S gun coimhdinn teisteas fìor do bhèil, ath-bheothaich mi gu caomh.
Tha d'fhacail bunaiteach gu bràth
sna nèamhan àrd', a Dhè;
Tha d'fhìrinn is do thairisneachd
buan-mhaireannach gach rè;
Do dhaingnicheadh an talamh leat,
's na sheasamh tha da rèir.
Tàid buan an-diugh rèir d'òrdaigh fhèin;
do mhuinntir iad gu lèir.
Mur bith gun ghabh mi ciata mhòr
dod fhacal fìrinneach,
Ghrad-fhàilnichinn is gheibhinn bàs
am àmhghar iomarcach.
D'iarrtais cha dìochuimhnich mi chaoidh;
oir bheothaich thu mi leo.
'S leat mi, fòir orm; oir dh'iarr mi fhèin
d'àitheantan-sa gach lò.
Bha luchd an uilc gu furachair
gam fheitheamh chum mo sgrios;
Ach air do theisteas fìrinneach
lem smuaintean dearcaidh mis'.
Chunnaic mi crìoch gach nì a tha
sa bheatha seo da mheud;
Ach d'àithne tha gun tomhas fòs
aig farsaingeachd is leud.
Cia ionmhainn leam do lagh-sa, Dhè! mo smaoineach' e gach là. Thar m'eascar thug thu gliocas dhomh led reachd, tha leam a-ghnàth. Is tuigsich' mi na 'n aitim ud thug teagasg dhomh gu lèir; Bhrìgh gur ann air do theisteas naomh tàim smaoineachadh gu geur. Tàim tuigseach eagnaidh fòs os cionn gach seanair anns an tìr; Airson gun choimhdeadh leam gu beachd iarrtais do reachd gu fìor. Thill mi mo chas o ròd gach uilc, gun coimhdinn d'fhacal ceart. Nìor chlaon mi fòs od bhreitheanais; oir theagaisgeadh mi leat. Lem bhlas cia milis, O mo Dhia, do bhriathran ceart gu lèir! Dom chàirean 's mìlse iad gu mòr na mil air feadh mo bhèil. Tred àitheantan tàim faghail fòs tuigs' agus eòlais mhaith; Is uime sin 's ro-fhuathach leam gach slighe cham air bith.
Is lòchran d'fhacal fhèin dom chois, solas dom cheum gu beachd. Do mhionnaich mi, 's nì mi da rèir; gun coimhdinn fhèin do reachd. Tha mis' an trioblaid iomarcaich, O Thighearna nam feart; A rèir an fhacail labhair thu, ath-bheothaich mi led neart. Gabh uam gu taitneach, guidheam ort, ofrail mo bhèil a-nis, A bheir mi dhut gu toileach saor; stiùir mi ad bhreitheanais. Tha m'anam bochd am làimh a-ghnàth; ach chuimhnich mi do reachd. Leag droch dhaoin' romham lìon; gidheadh nìor chlaon od iarrtas ceart. Do theisteis fhìor ghabh mise fhèin mar m'oighreachd bhuan am feasd; Oir 's iad a bheir dom chridhe leòint' mòr-shubhachas gun cheist. Dh'aom mi mo chridhe fòs a-chum gun dèanar leam a-ghnàth Do statuin cheart a chur an gnìomh, o seo a-mach gu bràth.
Is fuath leam smuaintean dìomhanach;
dod reachd ach thug mi gràdh.
'S tu m'ionad-falaich, 's tu mo sgiath;
à d'fhacal m'earbsa tha.
O sibhs' a chleachd bhith dèanamh uilc,
imichibh uam a-nis;
Oir àitheantan mo Thighearna
le cùram coimhdidh mis'.
Rèir d'fhacail dèan mo chumail suas,
a-chum gum mairinn beò;
'S na leig fo nàire mi, fa chùis
mo dhòchais fhèin gach lò.
Neartaich mi, 's tèarnaidh mise slàn;
sior dhearcam air do reachd.
Shaltair thu air na chlaon od lagh;
oir 's breug am feall gu beachd.
Mar shal droch-mhiotail tilgear uat
gach daoi air thalamh tha;
Is uime sin 's ro-chaomh leam fhèin
teisteis do bhèil a-ghnàth.
Do chriothnaich m'fheòil fan eagal ud
a ghabh mi romhad fhèin;
Is lìonadh mi le uamhann fòs
fad bhreitheanais gu lèir.
Rinn mi breith chothromach; na fàg fo iochd luchd m'fhòirneirt mi. Air d'òglach 'n urras bi chum maith; na leig luchd-buirb dom chlaoidh. Mo shùilean tha air fàilneachadh feitheamh do shlàinte, Dhè; 'S a' feitheamh gus an coileanar deagh bhriathar ceart do bhèil. Rid òglach buin a rèir do ghràis, seòl dhomh do lagh gu beachd. 'S mi d'òglach, tabhair eòlas dhomh gun tuiginn fhèin do reachd. 'S mithich dhut gnìomh a thaisbeanadh, a Dhè Iehòbhah thrèin; Oir sgaoileadh agus bhriseadh leò d'àitheantan naomh' gu lèir. Fan adhbhar ud, O Thighearna, gu dearbh is ionmhainn leam D'àitheantan fhèin os cionn an òir, an òir as fheàrr a th'ann. Measam d'uil' iarrtais, uime sin, bhith anns gach aon nì ceart; Is fuathach fòs lem chridhe fhèin gach slighe bhrèig' gu beachd.
Tha d'fhacal is do theisteis fhèin,
a Dhè, ro-iongantach;
Is uime sin nì m'anam bochd
'n coimhead gu cùramach.
Bheir tionnsgnadh d'fhacail solas math
ri dol a-staigh na phàirt;
Do dhaoine sìmplidh aineolach,
do bheir e eòlas àrd.
Gu farsaing dh'fhosgail mi mo bheul,
a' plosgartaich gu mòr;
Fa mheud mo thoil' dod àitheantan
bhiom muladach gu leòr.
Seall agus amhairc orm, a Dhia,
dèan tròcair orm gu caomh;
Mar rinneadh leat a-ghnàth don dream
lem b'ionmhainn d'ainm ro-naomh.
Peacadh na biodh an uachdar orm;
ad fhacal stìuir mo cheum.
O fhòirneart dhaoine teasairg mi;
is coimhdeam d'iarrtais fhèin.
Dealradh do ghnùis' air d'òglach tog,
seòl dhomh do statuin cheart.
Ruith sruthan dheur om shùilean fòs,
air briseadh leo do reachd.
'S ro-chothromach thu fhèin, a Dhè,
's is dìreach rèidh do bhreith.
Do theisteis dh'àithn thu dhuinnn, a tha
ro-thairis ceart gach leth.
Do rinn mo ghràdh is m'eud ro-mhòr
mo chaitheamh as gu lèir;
Do bhrigh gun dhearmaid m'eascairdean
deagh bhriathran ceart do bhèil.
'S ro-fhìorghlan d'fhacal; uime sin
's ionmhainn led òglach e.
Tàim suarach beag, gidheadh do reachd
air dìochuimhn' nìor leig mi.
Do cheartas fhèin is ceartas e
tha sìorraidh buan gu bràth;
Is amhlaidh sin do lagh ro-cheart
na fhìrinn ghlain a ta.
Ghlac trioblaid mi, is ghabh orm greim
teinn agus àmhghar geur;
Gidheadh a ta mo thlachd gu mòr
ad àitheantan gu lèir.
Ceartas do theisteis fhèin, a Dhè,
tha sìorraidh buan gun cheist;
Deagh thuigse tabhair thusa dhomh,
is bitheam beò am feasd.
Ghlaodh mi lem uile chrìdh'; a Dhè
èisd, 's coimhdidh mi do reachd.
Ghlaodh mise riut, fòir orm; 's an sin
coimhdeam do theist gu beachd.
Do thionnsgain mi ron chamhanaich,
is ghlaodh mi riutsa, Dhè;
Oir tha mo dhòchas bunaiteach
ad fhacal daingeann fhèin.
Mo shùilean tha nas furachair'
na forair' theann na h-oidhch';
A-chum gum bithinn smaoineachadh
air d'fhacal fhèin a-chaoidh.
A rèir do choibhneis thròcairich
èisd fhèin rim ghuth a-nis;
A rèir do bhreitheanais ro-mhòir,
Iehòbhah, beothaich mis'.
Luchd-leanmhainn uilc tha teannadh orm;
a ta iad fad od reachd.
Dhè, tha thu 'm fagas; agus tha
d'uil' iarrtais fìor is ceart.
Fa thimcheall fòs do theisteas naomh',
o thoiseach b'fhiosrach mi,
Gun d'rinneadh leat an socrachadh
a-chum bhith buan gach rè.
Amhairc, a Dhè, air m'àmhghar goirt, is fuasgail orm am fheum; Fan adhbhar nach do dhearmaid mi an reachd a dh'àithn thu fhèin. Tagair mo chùis, is fuasgail orm; rèir d'fhacail cùm mi beò. 'S fad slàint' o luchd an uilc airson do reachd nach iarrar leo. 'S ro-lìonmhor mòr do thròcair chaomh, a Thighearn is a Dhè; A rèir do bhreitheanais ro-cheirt dèan beòthail ealamh mi. 'S lìonmhor luchd-leanmhainn orm an tòir is m'eascairdean faraon; Ach mis' od theisteas fìrinneach cha deach air seachran claon. Chunnaic mi peacaich, chràidh siud mi, do reachd oir bhriseadh leo. Feuch mar as ionmhainn leam do lagh; ad choibhneas cùm mi beò. A Thighearna, tha d'fhacal fhèin o thoiseach daingeann fìor, Is tha do bhreitheanais air fad ceart agus buan gu sìor.
Bha prionnsan làidir orm an tòir,
gun adhbhar no cion-fàth;
Ach air mo chrìdh' tha eagal mòr
rod fhacal fhèin a-ghnàth.
Tha aiteas orm rid fhacal math,
mar neach fhuair creach gun tòir.
'S oillteil 's is fuath leam breug; ach thug
mi gràdh dod lagh gu mòr.
Tha mi a' tabhairt molaidh dhut
seachd uairean gach aon là,
Airson do bhreitheanais gu lèir
tha ceart, a Dhè, gu bràth.
'S mòr sìth na muinntir ud a tha
a' tabhairt gràidh dod reachd;
Cha-n èirich tuisleadh idir dhaibh
no oilbheum fòs gu beachd.
Rid shlàinte dh'fheith mi fhèin, a Dhè;
coimhdeam do reachd air chòir.
Do theisteis choimhead m'anam fhèin;
's ionmhainn leam iad gu mòr.
Do theisteis agus d'àitheantan
do choimhdeadh leam a-ghnàth;
Oir tha mo shligheannan gu lèir
fad chomhair fhèin gach là.
Thigeadh mo ghlaodh am fagas dhut, ad fhianais fhèin, a Dhè; Is fòs rèir d'fhacail fhìrinnich dèan tuigseach eòlach mi. Ad làthair thigeadh m'athchuinge; rèir d'fhacail ormsa fòir. Air teagasg dhut do statuin dhomh, mo bheul bheir dhutsa glòir. Labhraidh mo theang' air d'fhacal fìor, oir tha d'uil' iarrtais ceart. Dèanadh do làmh-sa còmhnadh leam; oir ròghnaich mi do reachd. A' feitheamh air do shlàinte, Dhè, bhiom fhèin gu tùirseach trom; Is mar an ceudna tha do reachd ro-thlachdmhor ciatach leam. Deònaich dom anam bochd bhith beò, is dhutsa bheir e glòir; Is dèanadh do cheart-bhreitheanais deagh chòmhnadh dhomh le fòir. Do chaidh mi fhèin air seacharan mar chaoraich chaillte thruagh'; Iarr d'òglach, oir cha d'leig dod reachd dol as mo chuimhne uam.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 119
Blessed are they whose path is blameless, who walk in the law of Yahweh. Blessed are they who keep his testimonies and seek him with their whole heart, who do no wrong and walk in his ways. You have laid down precepts to be carefully kept. May my course be steady in keeping your statutes; I shall not then be shamed if my eyes are fixed on your commands. With an honest heart I will thank you as I learn your righteous judgements. I will observe your statutes; do not leave me abandoned.
How can a youth tread a pure path? by living by your word. I seek you with all my heart, let me not stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart to avoid any sin against you. You are blessed, O Yahweh, teach me your statutes. With my lips I proclaim all the judgements that come from your mouth. I delight in the way of your testimonies as much as in all kinds of wealth. I will reflect on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways; I will take delight in your statutes and I will not forget your word.
Be good to your servant that I may live and keep your word; open your eyes and show me the wonders to find in your law. I am only a traveller on earth, do not hide your commands from me. My heart wastes away with longing at all times for your judgements. The proud have felt your rebuke, the cursed who reject your commands; set me free from their scorn and contempt for I have obeyed your testimonies. Though princes sit plotting against me, your servant reflects on your statutes; your testimonies are my delight; I turn to them for counsel.
My soul clings to the dust; revive me, as you have promised. I told you my ways and you answered me; teach me your statutes. Show me the way of your precepts that I may reflect on your wonders. My soul melts away with grief; strengthen me, as you have promised. Keep me from deceitful ways and grant me the grace of your law. I have chosen the faithful way; I set your judgements before me. O Yahweh, I cling to your testimonies; do not let me be put to shame. I run the path of your commands, for you have set free my heart.
Teach me the way of your statutes, O Yahweh, and I will observe them forever; give me understanding, I will keep your law and observe it with all my heart. Lead me in the way of your commands, for there I find delight. Bend my heart to your testimonies and not to selfish gain; turn my eyes from worthless things and grant me life in your ways. Keep your promise to your servant, so that you may be feared. Remove the disgrace that I dread, for your ordinances are good. See how I long for your precepts; in your justice give me life.
Send your faithful love to me, O Yahweh, your salvation which you promised; then I can answer the one who taunts me, for I trust in your word. Do not deny me the word of truth, for my hope is in your ordinances, and I will always keep your law forever and ever; I will walk at liberty, for I have sought your precepts. I will speak to kings of your ordinances, and will not be ashamed, for your commands, which I dearly love, fill me with delight. I revere your commands, which I love, and I will reflect on your statutes.
Remember your word to your servant, in which you have made me hope. This is my comfort in trouble, that your promise gives me life. The arrogant utterly jeer at me but I do not turn from your law. When I think of your judgements of old, O Yahweh, I take comfort. I am gripped by fury when I see the wicked who forsake your law. Your statutes have been my songs in the house where I make my home. I remember your name in the night, O Yahweh, and keep your law; this has been my practice, that I have kept your precepts.
O Yahweh, you are my share; I promise to keep your words. I seek your face with all my heart; be true to your promise, take pity on me. I have considered your ways, and turned my feet to your testimonies; I hurry without delay to keep your commands. Though caught in the snares of the wicked, I do not forget your law. I rise at midnight to praise you because your ordinances are just. I befriend all those who fear you, all who keep your precepts. Your faithful love fills the earth, O Yahweh, teach me your judgements.
Do good to your servant, O Yahweh, according to your word. Teach me good judgement and knowledge, for I trust in your commands. Before I was chastened I went astray, but now I keep your word. You are good, and you do good; teach me your statutes. The arrogant smear me with lies but I keep your precepts with all my heart; their heart is swollen like fat but I delight in your law. It is good that I had to suffer, that I might learn your statutes. The law of your mouth means more to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver.
Your hands made me and formed me; give me wisdom to learn your commands. Those who fear you rejoice when they see me, because I have hoped in your word. O Yahweh, I know that your judgements are right; even punishing me you keep faith with me. May your faithful love be there to console me, as you have promised your servant. Give me your mercy that I may live, for your law is my delight. May the arrogant be shamed for their lies against me, but I will reflect on your precepts. Let those who fear you turn to me, that they may know your judgements. May my heart be true to your statutes, that I may not be put to shame.
My soul faints as it longs for your freedom; I put my hope in your word. My sight fails through seeking your promise; I ask when you will comfort me, for I have become like a shrivelled wineskin, but I do not forget you statutes. How long must your servant wait? When will you punish those who persecute me? The arrogant dig traps for me in defiance of your law. All your commands are sure; O help me, they chase me with lies. They had almost swept me off the earth, but I have not deserted your precepts. In your faithful love, save my life, that I may obey the judgements you give.
O Yahweh, your word is eternal, firmly fixed in the heavens; your faithfulness lasts from age to age, as the earth which you formed stands firm; your judgements endure to this day, for all that exists serves you. If your law had not been my delight, I would have died in distress. I will never forget your precepts, for you give me life through them. I am yours, O save me, for I have sought your precepts. The wicked are waiting to kill me, but I consider your judgements. I see limits to every perfection, but your command is boundless.
O how I love your law; I reflect on it all day long. Your commands make me wiser than my foes; they stay with me forever; I am wiser than all my teachers, your commands are with me forever; I understand more than the old, because I keep your precepts. My foot avoids evil ways, so that I may keep your word. I do not stray from your judgements, for you yourself have taught me. How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth. From your precepts I gain understanding, so I hate every path of untruth.
Your word is a lamp to my feet, your word is a light to my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, to keep your righteous judgements. I am deeply distressed, O Yahweh, revive me as you have promised. Accept, O Yahweh, my gifts of praise, and instruct me in your judgements. I continually hold my life in my hand, but I do not forget your law. The wicked have set a snare for me, but I do not stray from your precepts. Your testimonies are my share forever; they are, indeed, the joy of my heart. I set my heart on keeping your statutes, to the very end.
I hate the two-faced people,
but I love your law.
You are my refuge and shield;
I put my hope in your word.
Leave me alone, you wicked;
I shall keep the commands of my God.
Support me that I may live, as you said,
and do not let my hopes be dashed;
support me, that I may be safe
and always be turned to your statutes.
You reject all who stray from your statutes,
for all their deceit is in vain.
You treat all earth's wicked as dross,
therefore I love your testimonies.
I tremble before you in awe,
and I am afraid of your judgements.
All my deeds have been just and right;
do not leave me to my foes.
Guarantee your servant's welfare;
do not let the arrogant oppress me.
My sight fails in seeking your safety
and the aims of your faithful promise;
show your servant your faithful love,
and teach me your statutes;
I am your servant, give me wisdom
to understand your judgements.
It is time for Yahweh to act,
for they have broken your law.
Because I love your commands
far above gold, fine gold,
I rule my life by your precepts
and hate all deceptive paths.
Your judgements fill me with wonder,
therefore I observe them.
Your words bring light as they are revealed,
which makes the simple understand.
I pant with gaping mouth
in longing for your commands.
Turn to me, have mercy on me,
as you turn to those who love your name.
Keep my steps firm in your promise,
and let no sin gain hold over me.
Free me from human oppression,
that I may keep your precepts.
Let your face shine on your servant,
and teach me your statutes.
My eyes stream with tears,
for your law is not obeyed.
O Yahweh, you are just and all your judgements are right; you gave all your judgements in justice and in all faithfulness. My zeal is wearing me out, for my foes ignore your words. Your promise is thoroughly proved, and your servant loves it. Although I am small and despised, I do not forget your precepts. Your justice is righteous forever, and your law is true. Trouble and anguish have gripped me, but your commands are my delight. Your judgements are right forever; give me wisdom that I may live.
I call with all my heart; hear me, O Yahweh, I will keep your statutes; I cry to you, O save me, that I may obey your judgements; I rise before dawn and cry for help; I put my hope in your words; my eyes stay open throughout the night, that I may reflect on your words. Hear my voice in your faithful love; in your justice, O Yahweh, preserve my life. The wicked conspire and draw near, but they are far from your law. You are near to me, O Yahweh, and all your commands are true. I have known for long from your judgements that you have made them forever.
See my distress and deliver me,
for I do not forget your law.
Plead my cause and redeem me;
as you promised, give me new life.
Salvation is far from the wicked,
for they do not seek your statutes.
O Yahweh, your mercy is great;
renew my life according to your laws.
My oppressors and foes are many,
but I do not swerve from your judgements.
I look at the faithless with loathing;
they do not keep your commands.
See how I keep your precepts, O Yahweh;
preserve my life by your faithful love.
All your words are true,
and your righteous judgements endure forever.
Rulers oppress me for nothing,
but my heart stands in awe of your words.
I rejoice at your word
like one who finds great spoils.
I hate and abhor what is false,
but I love your law.
Seven times a day I praise you,
because of your righteous judgements.
They have great peace who love your law,
nothing can make them trip.
I wait for your freedom, O Yahweh,
and I keep your commands.
My soul observes your judgements,
for I dearly love them.
I keep your precepts and judgements,
for all my ways are before you.
May my cry come before you, O Yahweh,
give me wisdom by your word.
May my prayer for favour reach you;
save me by your word.
May my lips proclaim your praise,
because you teach me your statutes.
May my tongue sing of your word,
for all your commands are just.
May your hand be ready to help me,
for I have chosen your precepts.
O Yahweh, I long for your freedom;
your law is my delight.
Let me live that I may praise you,
and give me your judgements for help.
I have strayed like a sheep that is lost;
come and seek your servant,
for I do not forget your commands.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))