Salm 24
'S le Dia an talamh, is a làn: an domhan, 's na bheil ann. Oir shocraich e air cuantan e, air sruthan leag gu teann. Cò e am fear sin a thèid suas gu tulaich naomha Dhè? Is fòs na ionad naomha-san, cò sheasas ann gu rèidh? An tì ga bheil na làmhan glan', is cridhe neochiontach; 'Anam nìor thog ri dìomhanas, 's nìor lùgh mionn ìoganach. An tì sin beannachadh o Dhia gheibh e gu saoibhir pailt, Is ionracas faraon on Dia 's bun slàinte dha na airc. 'S i sin a' ghinealach 's an dream a dh'iarras e gu mòr; Tha 'g iarraidh d'aghaidh is do ghnùis, O Iàcoib, mar as còir. Togaibh, O gheatachan, ur cinn, is èiribh suas gu h-àrd, O dhorsan sìorraidh; Rìgh na glòir' gun tigeadh e ga àit. Cò e sin fhèin Ard-Rìgh na glòir'? an Tighearn làidir treun, Iehòbhah neartmhor, cruaidh an cath, bheir buaidh a-mach dha fhèin. Togaibh, O gheatachan, ur cinn, is èiribh suas gu h-àrd, O dhorsan sìorraidh; Rìgh na glòir' gun tigeadh e ga àit. Cò e sin fhèin Ard-Rìgh na glòir'? Iehòbhah mòr nan slògh, 'S e fhèin as Rìgh na glòir' a th'ann, gun choimeas idir dha.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 24
Psalm. Of David.
The earth is Yahweh's and all it contains, the world and all who live there; he laid its foundations on the seas and fixed it firm on the waters beneath. Who may go up the mountain of Yahweh? Who may stand in his holy place? The clean handed and pure hearted, who does not set his heart on falsehood or swear an oath deceitfully. Such will receive a blessing from Yahweh, and justice from the Saviour God. Such is the fortune of those who seek, who seek your face, O God of Jacob. Lift up your heads, you gates, and open up, eternal doors, that the King of Glory may enter! Who is he, this king of glory? Yahweh, strong and mighty! Yahweh, mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, you gates, and open up, eternal doors, that the King of Glory may enter! Who is he, this king of glory? Yahweh of Hosts! He is the King of Glory.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))