Psalm 19


Salm 19

Glòir Dhè làn-fhoillsichidh na nèamh,
  's na speuran gnìomh a làmh.
Tha là a' dèanamh sgèil do là,
  is oidhche dh'oidhch' gun tàmh

A' teagasg eòlais, anns gach àit.
  Oir chan eil ionad ann,
No cainnt, no uirghioll fòs air bith,
  nach cual an guth gach àm.

Chaidh 'm fuaim air feadh gach tìre mach,
  am facal chaidh an cèin
Gu crìch na cruinne; chuir e annt'
  buan-phàillean àrd don ghrèin:

Neach tha mar nuadh fhear-pòsda teachd
  o sheòmar fhèin a-mach,
Tha ait, mar ghaisgeach treun a' ruith
  a rèis gu togarrach;

A' dol a-mach o chrìch nan speur,
  mun cuairt gan crìch a-ghnàth:
'S chan fhalaichear o theas na grèin'
  aon nì sa chruinne tha.

Is iomlan lagh Iehòbhah mhòir;
  an t-anam iomp'chidh e.
Teisteas an Tighearna tha dearbh;
  an sìmplidh glic 's e nì.

Tha statuin fòs an Tighearn ceart,
  cur aoibhneis anns a' chrìdh';
Glan-àithntean Dhè a' soillseachadh
  nan sùl nach math a chì.

Eagal an Tighearn fìorghlan e,
  buan-mhaireannach a-ghnàth:
Fìor agus cothromach air fad
  a bhreitheanais a ta.

Is fheàrr rin iarraidh iad na 'n t-òr,
  an t-òr as fheàrr air bith:
Nas milse na a' mhil tha iad,
  no cìr mheala ra h-ith.

A' faotainn rabhaidh fòs a ta
  d'òglach-sa uap' a-ghnàth,
'S nan coimhead cùramach gu dearbh
  mòr-thuarasdal a ta.

Cò thuigeas uile sheachrain fhèin?
  glan o lochd diamhair mi.
O pheacan dànadais air ais
  cùm d'òglach fhèin, a Dhè;

Na bitheadh ac' àrd-cheannas orm:
  an sin biom treibhdhireach,
Is fòs on pheacadh mhòr bidh mi
  fìor-ionraic neochiontach.

O Dhia, mo neart, 's mo shlànaighear,
  an deagh thoil gabh uam fhèin
Na smuaintean tha am chridhe staigh,
  is briathran glan mo bhèil.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 19

For the choirmaster. Psalm. Of David.

The heavens declare the glory of God;
       the skies proclaim his handiwork;
one day tells the next day;
       night passes on the knowledge to night.
There is no speech nor words,
       and not a sound is heard,
but their voice goes out to all the earth,
       and their words to the end of the world.
He has pitched a tent for the sun in the heavens,
which comes like a bridegroom from his chamber,
       like a champion running the course with joy.
It rises at one end of the heavens
       and runs its circuit to the other;
       nothing is hidden from its heat.
Yahweh's law is perfect, reviving the soul;
Yahweh's statutes are sure,
       making the simple wise.
Yahweh's precepts are right,
       giving joy to the heart.
Yahweh's commands are right,
       giving light to the eyes.
The fear of Yahweh is pure,
       and lasts forever.
Yahweh's judgements are true,
       and every one is just.
They are more desirable than gold,
       even than much fine gold;
they are sweeter also than honey,
       than honey from the comb.
Through them your servant is warned;
       keeping them brings great reward.
Who can detect his own failings?
       Clear me from hidden faults.
Preserve your servant from pride;
       do not let it gain hold of me.
Then I shall be guiltless,
       and free from any great sin.
Let the words of my mouth
and the thoughts of my heart
       be pleasing to you, O Yahweh,
my rock and redeemer.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))