Psalm 8


Salm 8

Iehòbhah Dhia, cia mòr tha d'ainm
  air feadh gach uile thìr!
Do ghlòir do shocraich thu os cionn
  nam flaitheas is nan speur.

A beul nan naoidh 's nan cìochran maoth'
  bhrìgh d'eascair dh'òrdaich neart,
An nàmhaid chum gun coisgeadh tu,
  's an dìoghaltach mì-cheart.

Do speuran tràth thug mi fa-near,
  obair do mheuran fhèin;
A' ghealach is na reultan glan',
  a dh'òrdaich thu le chèil;

Duine ciod e, gun cuimhnichte,
  no mhac gum fiosraicht' leat?
Den inbhe, 's beag a chùm thu uaith'
  air 'n d'fhuair na h-aingil ceart;

Oir chuir thu coron àlainn air,
  le maise 's glòir thar chàch.
Air oibrean fòs do làmh thug thu
  dha uachdranachd air fad.

Gach dùile chuir fo chasan dha,
  a chruthaich thusa riamh:
Caoraich, is buar, 's gach ainmhidh fòs,
  tha 'g imeachd air an t-sliabh.

An eunlaith tha san adhar shuas,
  an t-iasg a tha sa chuan,
'S na shiùbhlas fòs air slighe tuinn,
  sin thug thu dha gu buan.

A Dhia, ar Tighearn is ar Dia,
  d'ainm-sa cia h-uasal e!
Air feadh gach talmhainn agus tìr
  is mòr e siud, a Dhè. 

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 8

For the choirmaster. On the gittithor. Psalm. Of David.

O Yahweh, our Lord,
how glorious is your name
       throughout the world!
You have set your glory
       above the sky.
You created praise
       from the mouths of children
       and babes in arms,
to form a fortress against your enemies
       and silence the foe and avenger.
When I look at the sky,
       the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars
       which you set in place,
what are people, that you spare a thought for
       or the child of Adam,
       that you care for him?
Yet you made him nearly a heavenly being,
       you have crowned him
       with glory and beauty,
You have made him lord of the work of your
       and put all things under his feet:
sheep and cattle, and wild beasts,
       the birds in the air, the fish in the sea
       and all that moves along oceans' paths.
O Yahweh, our lord,
       how glorious is your name
       throughout the earth!

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))