Salm 2
Carson a ghabh na cinnich boil, 's na slòigh le chèile cruinn, A' smaoineachadh beairt dhìomhanaich, nach faodar chur an suim? Righrean na talmhainn dh'èirich suas, 's na h-uachdarain gu lèir: 'N aghaidh Iehòbhah chruinnich iad, 's 'n aghaidh aon ungte Dhè. Nis briseamaid an cuibhreach dhinn, (siud thubhairt iad air fad,) Na boinn a b'àill leo iadhadh oirnn, dhinn tilgeamaid gu grad. An Tì air nèamh na shuidhe tha, ni esan gàire riu; Is mar chùis-mhagaidh bithidh iad do Thighearn àrd nan dùl. 'N sin labhraidh e am briathran borb na chorraich riu gu garg; Is cuiridh e gu cabhaig iad, le lasan is le feirg. Gidheadh do dh'ungadh leam mo Rìgh gu fìor air Sion caomh; Is chuir mi e na uachdaran suas air mo thulaich naoimh. Cuiridh mi 'n cèill an t-òrdagh ud; thubhairt Iehòbhah rium, Is tu mo mhac-sa; 's ann an-diugh a ghineadh thusa leam. Iarr orm, 's mar oighreachd bheir mi dhut na fineachan gu lèir; 'S mar sheilbh ro-dhìleas bheir mi dhut fad iomall crìoch gach tìr. Nithear le slait den iarann chruaidh gu luath am briseadh leat; Nam bloighdean beaga pronnar iad, mar phota crè led neart. O righrean, uime sin, a-nis, gabhaibh-se ciall gu lèir; A britheamhan na talmhainn fòs, grad-fhòghlamaibh deagh bheus. Don Tighearna Iehòbhah mòr adhraibh-se sìos gu ceart, Le eagal dèanaibh seirbhis mhath do Thighearna nam feart, 'S le ball-chrith dèanaibh gàirdeachas. Don mhac grad-thugaibh pòg, Air eagal gun las fhearg-san ribh gur milleadh anns an ròd, An uair a bhitheas corraich air a' lasadh ach gu beag. Is beannaicht' iad, gach uile neach, an dòchas air a leag.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 2
Why this rage among the nations, futile plotting by the peoples? Earth's kings take up position, rulers gather to conspire against Yahweh and his anointed, saying, "Let us break their chains and throw away their fetters!" The One enthroned in heaven laughs, Yahweh treats them with derision. Then he speaks out in his wrath, terrifies them with his fury. "I myself enthroned my king on Zion, my holy mountain." I will proclaim Yahweh's decree. He said to me, "You are my son, today I have begotten you. Ask of me, I will make the nations your heritage, the ends of the earth your own. You will break them with an iron rod, and shatter them as if they were pots." Now therefore, you kings, be wise, be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve Yahweh with fear, pay him homage with trembling, in case he gets angry, and destroys you in the way, for his wrath flares up quickly. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))