Psalm 136


Salm 136

O thugaibh buidheachas do Dhia,
  do bhrìgh gur sàr-mhath e;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh,
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Thugaibh do Dhia nan uile dhia
  mòr-bhuidheachas le chèil';
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Thugaibh do Thriath nan uile thriath
  mòr-bhuidheachas gu lèir;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Don Tì na aonar fòs a rinn
  mòr-mhìorbhailean gu treun;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Don Tì le gliocas iongantach
  a chruthaich nèamh nan speur;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Don Tì a shìn air uachdar tuinn
  an talamh trom gu lèir;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Don Tì a rinn na solais mhòr'
  tha soillseachadh nan speur;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

A' ghrian gu uachdranachd san là,
  chum dhuinne gum bu lèir;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

A' ghealach is na reultan glan'
  a' riaghladh oidhch' le chèil'.
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Don Tì rinn bualadh trom san Eiph't
  air ciad-ghin dhaoin' is sprèidh;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Thug as am buillsgean-san a-mach
  a phoball Israèl;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Le neart a ghàirdein sìnte mach,
  's le làimh a tha ro-threun;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Don Tì a sgoilt an fhairge ruadh,
  na roinnean as a chèil';
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Is tro a meadhon stiùradh leis,
  gu tèaraint' Israèl;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

San fhairge ruaidh do sgriosadh leis
  Phàraoh 's a shluagh gu lèir;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Don Tì sin tre an fhàsach mhòr
  a stiùir a mhuinntir fhèin;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Dhàsan a bhuail 's a lot gu trom
  na righrean làidir treun';
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Is righrean uasal iomraiteach,
  mharbh e le ghàirdean fhèin;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Seadh Sihon rìgh nan Amorach,
  bha naimhdeil guineach geur;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Is Og air Basan bha na righ,
  do mharbh is chasgair e;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Is thug e fòs mar oighreachd bhuain
  am fearann-san gu lèir;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

An oighreachd thug do Israel,
  òglach ro-dhìleas fhèin;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Neach, air bhith dhuinn ro-ìosal truagh,
  a chuimhnich oirnn nar feum;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Gu tèaraint' bhuin e sinn a-mach
  o neart ar naimhdean treun';
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

Tha tabhairt beatha do gach feòil
  is lòin don uile chrè;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

O thugaibh moladh agus cliù
  do Dhia nan nèamh 's nan speur;
Airson gum mair a thròcair chaomh
  gu sìorraidh feadh gach rè.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 136

Give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
To him who alone does great marvels;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Who by his wisdom made the heavens;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Who spread the world out on the waters;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Who made the mighty lights;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
The sun to rule the day;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
the moon and stars to rule the night;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Who killed the first-born of Egypt;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
And brought Israel out from among them;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
With a strong hand and outstretched arm;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Who split the Red Sea apart;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
And brought Israel through its midst;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
But drowned Pharaoh and all his army;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Who led his people through the desert;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Who killed mighty kings;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Who slaughtered famous kings;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Sihon, king of the Amorites;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Og, king of Bashan;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
And gave their land as a heritage;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
A heritage to his servant Israel;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
He remembered us when we were down;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
And freed us from our enemies;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
He gives food to all creatures;
       for his faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of heaven;
       for his faithful love endures forever.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))