Psalm 130


Salm 130

On doimhne, O Iehòbhah Dhè,
  do ghlaodh mi riutsa suas.
Dhia, èisd rim ghuth gu furachair;
  's rim ùrnaigh crom do chluas.

Ma chomhraichear leat aingidheachd,
  a Dhè, cò sheasas riut?
Ach agadsa tha iochd; a-chum
  gun strìochdt' ad eagal dhut.

Ri Dia tha mise feitheamh, fòs
  tha m'anam feitheamh ris;
Is ann a bhriathar fìrinneach
  mo dhòchas chuiridh mis'.

Tha m'anam bochd nas furachair'
  a' feitheamh Dhè a-ghnàth,
Na bhios luchd-faire maidne fòs
  ri sgarachdainn nan tràth;

Nas furachair', a deiream fòs,
  ga fheitheamh-san gun ghò,
Na bhios luchd-faire anns an oidhch'
  ri teachd a-steach don lò.

Biodh dòchas Israeil an Dia;
  oir tha a thròcair mòr;
'S ann aig an Tighearna gu beachd
  tha fuasgladh pailt gu leòr.

Is bheir e fhèin gun cheist air bith
  da phoball Israèl
Làn-shaorsa agus fuasgladh glan
  on aingidheachd gu lèir.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 130

Song of ascents.

O Yahweh, I call to you out of the depths;
       O Yahweh, hear my cry;
Let your ears give attention
       to my cry for mercy.
O Yahweh, if you recorded sins,
       O Yahweh, who could stand?
But you are forgiving,
       and so you are revered.
I wait for Yahweh, my soul waits,
       I put my hope in his word.
My soul waits for Yahweh
       more than watchmen wait for the dawn.
Israel, put your hope in Yahweh,
       for with Yahweh there is faithful love,
       and full redemption.
He will redeem Israel
       from all their sins.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))