Psalm 129


Salm 129

Bu tric a chràidh iad mi om òig',
  deir Israel gu truagh;
Om òige chràidh iad mi gu tric,
  gidheadh cha tug iad buaidh.

'N luchd-treabhaidh threabh iad air mo dhruim,
  tharraing iad claisean fad'.
Ach 's ceart Iehòbhah, 's bhriseadh leis
  còrdan nan daoi gu grad.

Air naimhdean Shioin gu robh nàir',
  's rachadh air cùl gu luath;
Mar fheur air mullach taighe tha,
  a shearg mun d'fhàs e suas;

Nì leis nach lìonar glac an fhir
  a bhios gu tric a' buain;
Is leis nach lìonar sgiath an tì
  a bhios ri ceangal sguab.

Cha mhò their luchd an rathaid riu,
  Gu robh oirbh beannachd Dhè;
Tha sinne fòs gar beannachadh,
  an ainm Iehòbhah thrèin.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 129

Song of ascents.

Since I was young they have often attacked me.
       Let Israel say it again:
since I was young they have often attacked me,
       but they have never vanquished me.
Like ploughmen they cut my back,
       cutting their furrows long,
but Yahweh is victorious,
       and cuts me free from their wicked ropes.
May all who hate Zion
       be repulsed in confusion;
may they be like grass clinging to roofs
       which withers before it can grow,
never to fill the reaper's hands,
       nor give the harvester an armful;
may those who pass by never say,
       "The blessing of Yahweh be with you;
       we bless you in the name of Yahweh."

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))