Psalm 125


Salm 125

Tha 'n dream nì dòchas ann an Dia
  mar shliabh Shioin a-ghnàth,
Nach faodar fòs a charachadh,
  ach mhaireas ann gu bràth.

Ceart mar a tha na beanntan tric
  timcheall Ierusaleim,
Tha Dia mar sin, a-nis 's gu sìor,
  timcheall a phobaill fhèin.

Oir slat luchd-uilc cha ghabh i tàmh
  air chrann nan daoine còir;
Eagal gun sìn na fìreanaich
  an làmh gu peacadh mòr.

An aitim ud tha math, a Dhè,
  do mhaitheas pàirtich leò;
Is leis an dream tha treibhdhireach
  's nan cridhe tha gun ghò.

Ach iadsan uile thèid a thaobh
  dan slighean claon le chèil',
Iomainidh Dia le luchd an uilc,
  'S bidh sìth air Israèl.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 125

Song of ascents.

If you trust in Yahweh you are like Mount Zion:
       it cannot be shaken,
       it stands firm for ever.
As the mountains encircle Jerusalem,
       so Yahweh encircles his people,
       both now and forever.
The rule of the wicked must not continue
       over the heritage of the upright,
       or the upright might turn their own hands
              to evil.
Do good, O Yahweh, to those who are good,
       the honest of heart.
But those who turn to wicked ways
       are banished by Yahweh with evil-doers.
May Israel have peace!

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))