Psalm 73


Salm 73

Gu fìrinneach tha Dia ro-mhath
  do phoball Israèil;
Don dream ga bheil an cridhe glan,
  tha Dia dhaibh math da rèir.

Ach air mo shon-sa, 's beag nach d'aom
  mo chasan uam gu grad;
Cha mhòr nach d'rinn mo cheuman fòs
  sleamhnachadh uam air fad.

Ri amadanan ghabh mi tnù,
  ri faicinn soirbheas daoi.
Oir cuibhrichean chan eil nam bàs;
  neart làidir 's leo gun dìth.

Mar dhaoine eile chan eil iad
  fo thrioblaid no fo leòn;
'S chan eil iad air an sàrachadh
  mar chàch le piantan mòr'.

Ardan mar shlabhraidh, uime sin,
  gan cuartachadh a ta;
Am fòirneart fhèin gan còmhdachd
  mar aodach thart' a-ghnàth.

An sùilean sultmhor tha le saill;
  an toic chaidh thar am miann.
Is truaillidh iad, 's air fòirneart geur
  labhraidh gu h-aingidh, dian.

An aghaidh fòs nan nèamh 's nan speur
  am beul do thog iad suas;
Air feadh na talmhainn is na tìr
  an teanga-san do ghluais.

Fan adhbhar ud gu ruige seo,
  a shluagh-san tillidh iad;
Is fàisgear dhaibh den uisge mach,
  làn cupain as leòr meud.

Is their iad, Ciamar 's lèir do Dhia?
  Bheil tuigs' san Tì as àird'?
Feuch, siud na daoi, tha soirbheachadh,
  a' fàs nan stòr gach là.

Mo chrìdh' gu dearbh ghlan mi gun stàth,
  's an neochiont' nigh mo làmh;
Oir buailt' is smachdaichte tha mi
  gach madainn, 's feadh gach là.

Nan abrainn, Labhraidh mi mar seo,
  feuch, pheacaichinn gu beachd,
An aghaidh sliochd is ginealaich
  na cloinne 's ionmhainn leat.

Tràth smaoinich mi gun tuiginn seo,
  bu chruaidh-cheist orm an gnìomh.
Ach chaidh mi steach do naomh-thaigh Dhè,
  is thuig mi 'n sin an crìoch.

Gu deimhinn chuir thu iad air fad
  an àitean sleamhainn lom;
Is thilg thu iad a sìos gan sgrios
  le dìoghaltas gu trom.

Feuch, cionnas thàinig orra claoidh,
  am mionaid bhig na h-uair?
Oir tha iad air an sgrios gu tur
  le oillt is eagal mòr.

Mar aisling nuair a dhùisgeas neach,
  mar sin, a Dhia nan sluagh,
Nì thusa dìmeas air an dealbh,
  air mosgladh dhut à suain.

Mar seo bha air mo chridhe cràdh,
  's am àirnean goimh ro-gheur;
Oir bha mi baoth is aineolach,
  mar bhrùid ad làth'r, a Dhè.

Gidheadh, tha mise maille riut,
  O Thighearna, a-ghnàth;
Is air mo dheaslàimh ghlac thu mi,
  gam chumail suas gach là.

Do nìthear leat mo stiùradh fòs
  led chomhairle am fheum,
Is gabhaidh tu mi steach fa-dheòidh
  ad àros ghlòrmhor fhèin.

Cò th'agam anns na nèamhan shuas
  ach thusa, Dhia nan dùl?
Is chan eil neach air thalamh fòs
  ach thus' am bheil mo dhùil.

Mo chrìdh' is m'fheòil faraon a ta
  air fàilneachadh gun cheist;
Gidheadh 's e neart mo chridhe Dia,
  's mo chuibhreann bhuan am feasd.

Oir feuch iad sin tha fada uat,
  lèir-sgriosar iad gu luath;
Oir gheàrr thu as gach uile neach
  air strìopachas chaidh uat.

Ach dhòmhsa 's math teachd dlùth do Dhia;
  dh'earb mi à Dia mo neart,
A-chum gum foillsichinn gu sìor
  gach gnìomh a rinneadh leat.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 73

Psalm. Of Asaph.

God indeed is good to Israel,
       to those who are pure of heart.
My feet had almost slipped,
       I had nearly lost my foothold,
       for I envied the boasters
       when I saw how the wicked prosper.
They have no pain or suffering;
       their limbs are sleek and strong;
       they are free from common troubles;
       they do not suffer human ills.
So pride is their necklace
       and violence their clothing.
       Their callous hearts breed malice;
       unending evil scheming fills their minds.
Their talk is all mocking and malice;
       they loftily threaten with force.
       Their mouths lay claim to heaven;
       their tongues take possession of earth.
So my people follow their lead
       and lap up the waters of wealth.
       They say, "How can God ever know?
       Does the Most High know or care?'
That is what the wicked are like,
       always carefree and piling up wealth.
Was it all for nought that I kept my heart pure;
       did I wash my hands free from guilt in vain?
       All day long I was battered with blows,
       and every dawn brought new punishment.
But if I had said, "I shall talk like them",
       I should have betrayed the children of God.
When I set my mind to grasp all this
       I found it all too hard for me,
       until I went into the house of God;
       then I saw what their end would be.
Indeed you place them on slippery ground,
       and throw them headlong to their ruin.
       Suddenly they are destroyed
       and swept away by total terror.
As a dream dissolves when one awakes,
       so, O Yahweh, when you arise,
       you dismiss them as fantasies.
When my heart was grieved
       and my spirit embittered,
       I was stupid and ignorant,
       a mere beast before you.
But even so, I stay in your presence,
       you grasp my right hand,
       your counsel guides me,
       and afterwards you will receive me with glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
       If I am with you,
       I want nothing on earth.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
       but God is my heart's rock,
       my portion forever.
For those who abandon you will perish;
       you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
But my chief good is to be near God;
       I have made Lord Yahweh my refuge,
       to tell of all your deeds.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))