Salm 146
Dia molaibh; mol, O m'anam, Dia.
Molaidh mi Dia rim bheò;
Ard-sheinnidh mise cliù dom Dhia,
ri fad mo rè 's mo lò.
Na earbaibh is na dèanaibh bun
à prionnsan làidir treun';
No fòs à mac aon duin' a th'ann,
's gun fhurtachd ann ri feum.
Tha 'anail-san dol as a-mach,
thèid e ga ùir air ais,
Thèid as da smuaintean faoin gu lèir,
san là sin fhèin gu cas.
'S beannaicht' an duine sin ga bheil
Dia Iàcoib mar a neart;
Ga bheil a dhòchas ann a Dhia,
Iehòbhah Triath nam feart.
'S e chruthaich nèamh, is muir, is tìr,
's gach aon nì annta tha;
'S e choimhdeas fìrinn mar an ceudn'
gu sìorraidh is gu bràth.
Ri daoine tha fo fhòirneart mòr,
cumaidh e còir gu caoin;
Bheir biadh don acrach; cuiridh Dia
na prìosanaich fo sgaoil.
'S e Dia tha fosgladh sùil nan dall;
togaidh Iehòbhah mòr
An dream a tha air cromadh sìos;
is caomh leis daoine còir.
Dia seasaidh bantrach 's dìlleachdan,
's e 's dìon don choigreach ann;
Ach slighe fhiar nan daoine daoi
tilgidh e bun-os-cionn.
Bidh Dia na Ard-Righ mòr gu bràth,
do Dhia-sa, Shion naomh;
O linn gu linn gu maireannach.
Molaibh-se Dia gu caomh.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 146
Praise Yahweh! Praise Yahweh, my soul! As long as I live I will praise Yahweh I will praise Yahweh all my life, I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Do not put your trust in princes, in any person with no power to save; when their spirits leave they go back to dust; that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed is he with Jacob's God to help him. His hope is in Yahweh, his God, who made heaven, the earth, the sea, and all in them. He is faithful for evermore. He upholds the cause of the oppressed; he gives food to the hungry. Yahweh sets the prisoners free; Yahweh gives sight to the blind; Yahweh lifts up the bowed-down; Yahweh loves the upright; Yahweh protects the alien, and sustains the orphan and widow but thwarts the ways of the wicked. Yahweh will reign forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations. Praise Yahweh!
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))