Salm 145
Ardaicheam thu, mo Dhia 's mo Righ; d'ainm beannaicheam gu bràth. Dod ainm am feasd bheir mise cliù; àrdaicheam thu gach là. Tha Dia Iehòbhah mòr gu dearbh; ionmholta Dia gu mòr; Chan fhaodar meud a mhòrachd-san a rannsachadh gu leòr. Molaidh gach àl do ghnìomharan don àl a thig nan dèidh; Is d'oibrean cumhachdach ro-mhòr sìor chuirear leò an cèill. Urram do mhòrachd ghlòrmhoir fhèin cuiridh mi 'n cèill gu beachd; Air d'oibrean iongantach gu lèir labhram, a Dhè nam feart. Labhraidh daoin' eile fòs air neart do bheairtean uamhasach; Is mise, foillsicheam gu mòr do mhòrachd iongantach. Is cuirear leo an cèill gu pailt iomradh do mhaitheis mhòir; Do cheartas glan, is d'ionracas molaidh gu binn le ceòl. Tha 'n Tighearna ro-ghràsmhor caoin, is làn de thruacantachd; A ta e mall chum feirg', is fòs pailt ann an tròcaireachd. Is math Iehòbhah do gach dùil; tha thròcair chaomh gu beachd Os cionn gach obair agus gnìomh a rinneadh leis le neart. Dhia, molaidh d'oibrean thu air fad; led naomhan molar thu; Air glòir do rìoghachd labhraidh iad; innsidh do neart le cliù. A-chum a bheairtean cumhachdach gun tuigeadh clann nan daoin'; Gu bheil a rìoghachd làn de ghlòir, is mòralachd faraon. Do rìoghachd fhèin, is rìoghachd i tha sìorraidh buan gu beachd; Is mairidh d'uachdranachd gu bràth air feadh gach àil ri teachd. Cumaidh Iehòbhah suas le neart an dream tha tuiteam sìos; 'S an dream tha claonadh chum an làir, togaidh e 'n àird a-rìs. Tha sùilean fòs gach dùil' air bith a' feitheamh ort, a Rìgh; Is tha thu anns na tràthan ceart a' tabhairt dhaibh am bìdh. A ta thu ann ad thoirbheartas fosgladh do làimh' gu mòr, Is miann gach nithe beò air bith sàsaichear leat gu leòr. Tha Dia na uile shlighean ceart, is naomh na uile ghnìomh. 'S dlùth Dia do mheud 's a ghairmeas air, seadh, ghairmeas air gu fìor. Deagh mhiann gach neach don eagal e, coileanaidh e gu pailt; Is èisdidh esan fòs rin glaodh, saoraidh e iad nan airc. An dream tha 'tabhairt gràidh do Dhia, dhaibh nì e tèarmann deas; Ach fòs na h-aingidh olc gu lèir, do nì e fhèin an sgrios. A' luaidh air cliù Iehòbhah thrèin, bithidh mo bheul gun cheist; 'Ainm naomha beannaicheadh gach feòil, gu sìorraidh buan am feasd.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 145
Hymn of praise. Of David. Alphabetical.
I will exalt you, O God my king, and bless your name for ever and ever. Every day I will bless you, and praise your name for ever and ever. Yahweh is great and most worthy of praise; his greatness is far beyond measure. Each age will praise your deeds to another and tell of your mighty deeds. They will speak of your glorious splendour of majesty, and I will ponder your wonderful works. They will tell of your awesome power, and I will recount your greatness. They will rejoice in your great generosity, and joyfully sing of your righteousness. Yahweh is gracious and compassionate, slow to be angry and full of faithful love. Yahweh is good to all, with compassion for all he has made. All you have made will praise you, O Yahweh, your faithful will bless you; they will talk of your kingdom's glory, and tell of your might, that all may know of your mighty deeds, and your kingdom's glorious splendour. Your kingdom is a kingdom forever, and your rule will last for all generations. Yahweh keeps all his promises, and shows faithful love to all he has made. Yahweh upholds all who fall, and all the bowed-down are raised up. All look to you in hope, and you feed them with seasonal food. With open and generous hand you meet the desires of all that live. Yahweh is just in all his ways and faithful in all that he does. Yahweh is close to all who call to him, to all who call to him in truth. He fulfils the desires of all who fear him, and hears their cry and saves them. Yahweh guards all those who love him, but sends the wicked to their doom. My mouth will speak in praise of Yahweh. Let all that is made bless his holy name for ever and ever.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))