Psalm 111


Salm 111

Molaibh-se Dia, sìor mholam-s' e
  lem uile chrìdh' gu h-àrd;
An coitheanal nam fìrean còir',
  sa chuideachd mhòir 's gach àit.

Tha gnìomharan an Tighearna
  iomarcach mòr gu lèir;
Is leis an dream len tlachdmhor iad,
  rannsaichear iad gu geur.

Tha 'obair-san ro-urramach,
  ro-ghlòrmhor i gun cheist;
Tha fìreantachd Iehòbhah fòs
  buan-mhaireannach am feasd.

A ghnìomharan ro-iongantach,
  air chuimhne chuir gu beachd;
A ta Iehòbhah gràsmhor caoin,
  is làn de thruacantachd.

Thug esan biadh is lòn don dream
  don eagal e a-ghnàth,
'S a choicheangal a rinn e leo
  cuimhnichidh e gu bràth.

Neart 'oibrean iongantach chuir Dia
  an cèill da phoball fhèin,
A thabhairt dhaibh mar sheilbh gu buan
  oighreachd nan sluagh gu lèir.

Fìrinn is ceartas gnìomh a làmh;
  'uil' àitheantan tha fìor.
Dèante le ceartas fìrinneach;
  tàid seasmhach buan do shìor.

Shaoradh le Dia a phoball fhèin;
  is dh'òrdaich e am feasd
A choicheangal; tha 'ainm-san naomh
  is urramach gun cheist.

'S e tùs a' ghliocais eagal Dhè;
  tha deagh thuigs' aig an dream
Len coileanar a reachdan-san;
  mairidh a chliù gach àm.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 111


Praise Yahweh!
With all my heart I will give thanks to Yahweh,
       in the congregation,
       in the assembly of the righteous.
Great are the deeds of Yahweh,
       they are weighed by all
       who delight in him.
His deeds are full of splendour and majesty;
       his justice remains firm forever.
He has won renown for his marvelous deeds,
       Yahweh is gracious and tender.
He meets the needs of all those who fear him,
       he keeps his covenant forever.
He has shown his people the power of his works,
       by giving them the lands of the nations.
All that he does is faithful and just;
       his precepts are founded on justice.
They will stand for ever and ever,
       achieved in constancy and truth.
He sent and redeemed his people;
       he imposed his covenant forever;
his name is holy, inspiring awe.
The root of wisdom is fear of Yahweh;
       all who live by it
       grow in wisdom.
His praise will continue forever.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))