Psalm 99


Salm 99

Tha Dia na Rìgh, is criothnaicheadh
  gach uile shluagh air bith;
'S e shuidheas eadar cheruban,
  biodh air an talamh crith.

An Sion tha Iehòbhah mòr,
  as àrd os cionn gach sluaigh.
D'ainm mòr ro-uamharr molar leo,
  oir tha e naomh ra luaidh.

Is toigh le neart an Rìgh ceart-bhreith;
  's tu shocraicheas a' cheart;
An Iàcob breitheanas is còir
  cuiridh tu 'n gnìomh gu beachd.

Ar Dia Iehòbhah àrdaichibh,
  is sleuchdaibh dha gu caomh,
Aig stòl a chos gu h-urramach;
  oir tha e fhèin ro-naomh.

Am measg a shagart Aaron 's Maois,
  bha Samuel den dream
A ghair air ainm; dh'iarr iadsan Dia,
  fhreagair e iad san àm.

Am baideal neòil gu gràsmhor caoin
  labhair an Tighearn riu;
Na h-àitheantan a thug e dhaibh,
  's a theisteas ghleidheadh leo.

Iehòbhah Dia, thug freagradh dhaibh;
  's tu 'n Dia a mhaith an lochd,
Ged rinn thu orra dìoghaltas
  airson an innleachd olc.

Ar Dia Iehòbhah àrdaichibh
  's na thulaich naomh a-ghnàth,
Sìos sleuchdaibh dha gu h-iriosal;
  oir 's naomh ar Dia gu bràth.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 99

Yahweh reigns;
       the nations tremble.
His throne is the cherubim;
       the earth quakes.
Yahweh is great in Zion,
       high over all the nations.
Let them extol
       your great, your awesome name!
       Holy is he!
You are a mighty king
       who loves justice;
you have established
       equity in Jacob,
all you have done
       is just and right.
Exalt Yahweh our God;
       bow down at his footstool.
       Holy is he!
Moses and Aaron
       were priests of his;
Samuel was one
       who prayed to him.
They called to Yahweh
       and he answered;
he spoke from the pillar of cloud;
       they kept his statutes,
       the Law he gave them.
O Yahweh our God,
       you answered them;
you were a God
       who forgave them,
       and punished their sins.
Exalt Yahweh our God!
       Worship at his holy mountain,
       for holy is Yahweh our God!

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))