Psalm 98


Salm 98

O seinnibh òran nuadh do Dhia,
  rinn beairtean mìorbhaileach;
'S i dheaslàmh fhèin 's a ghàirdean naomh
  thug dhàsan buaidh a-mach.

Feuch, thaisbein Dia gu follaiseach
  fhurtachd 's a shlàinte mhòr;
Am fianais chinneach nochdadh leis
  fhìreantachd fhèin gu leòr.

Chuimhnich e fhìrinn is a ghràs
  do theaghlach Israèil;
Is slàint' ar Dia-ne chunnaic fòs
  gach iomall tìr gu lèir.

Do Dhia Iehòbhah togaibh suas
  àrd-iolach ait, gach tìr;
Togaibh ur guth; bibh subhach fòs,
  is seinnibh moladh fìor.

Do Dhia Iehòbhah mòr nam feart
  seinnibh air clàrsaich ghrinn;
Le clàrsaich (deirim) seinnibh dha,
  le guth na sailm gu binn.

Le fuaim na h-adhairc seinnibh dha,
  's le guth na trompaid àird';
Do Dhia an t-Ard-Rìgh seinnibh fòs,
  le iolach ait 's gach àit.

Beucadh an fhairge mhòr gu borb,
  's an làn tha innt' le chèil';
An domhan, is gach dùil a tha
  an còmhnaidh ann gu lèir.

Buaileadh na tuiltean mòr' am bos';
  na slèibhtean bitheadh ait,
An làthair Dhè; oir tha e teachd
  air talamh thabhairt ceirt;

Le ceartas math bheir e a-mach
  breith air a' chruinne-chè;
Bheir air a' phoball breitheanas
  le cothrom fìorghlan rèidh.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 98


Sing a new song to Yahweh,
       for he has done marvellous things;
his right hand and his holy arm
       have won him victory.
Yahweh has revealed his saving power,
       and displayed his justice
       to all the nations;
he has remembered his constancy,
       his faithful love
       for the house of Israel;
the ends of the earth have seen
       the saving power of our God.
Acclaim Yahweh, all the world,
       shout for joy and sing!
Play on the harp to Yahweh,
       with the harp
       and the sound of choirs;
to the sound of trumpet and horn,
       shout for joy before Yahweh the King.
Let the sea roar and all that it holds,
       the world and all who live in it.
Let the rivers clap their hands,
       and the hills sing together
       at Yahweh's approach,
       for he comes to judge the earth;
he will judge the earth justly
       and the nations with equity.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))