Salm 89
Air tròcair Dhè sìor sheinnidh mi is nì mi oirre sgeul; O àl gu àl gu maireannach air d'fhìrinn thig mo bheul. Oir thubhairt mi, Gun togar suas do thròcair mhòr do shìor; Is d'fhìrinn cheart sna nèamhan àrd' socraichear leat gu fìor. Coicheangal rinn mi rim Aon naomh a roghnaich mi gu sìor; 'S do Dhaibhidh tha na òglach dhomh, mhionnaich mi fhèin gu fìor. Socraichidh mi gu daingeann buan do ghinealach 's do shìol, Do chathair rìoghail togam suas o linn gu linn gu sìor. Molaidh na nèamhan àrd gu binn do mhìorbhailean, a Dhè; Is d'fhìrinn ann an coitheanal do chloinne naomha fhèin. Oir cò sna nèamhan choimeasar ri Dia Iehòbhah mòr? Is cò tha measg nan cumhachdach cosmhail ri Dia na glòir'? An coitheanal nan naomh gu beachd 's cùis eagail Dia gun cheist; Ard-urram o gach neach mun cuairt dha 's dleasdanach am feasd. O Thighearna 's a Dhia nan sluagh, cò 'n Triath sin ann an neart As cosmhail riut? Ad fhìrinn fòs gad chuartachadh gu beachd? Ard-onfhadh cuain is fairge mòir, 's tu chuireas iad fo reachd; A tonnan àrd' tràth dh'èireas suas, coisgidh tu iad le smachd. Mar dhuine buailte dol don eug, mhìn-phronnadh Rahab leat; Do naimhdean sgaoil thu as a chèil' led ghàirdean treun 's led neart. Is leatsa, Dhè, na flaitheanais, 's an talamh tha for bonn; 'S tu dhaingnich fòs an cruinne-cè, le 'làn de thoradh trom. An àird a deas is tuath faraon, do chruthaicheadh iad leat; Sliabh Thaboir agus Hermoin àird ad ainm bidh aoibhneach ait. Tha agad gàirdean cumhachdach; a ta do làmh ro-threun, A Dhè, a ta do dheaslàmh fòs àrdaichte mar an ceudn'. Mar àite tàimh dod chathair rìgh tha cothrom agus ceart; Bidh tròcair agus fìrinn fòs dol ro do ghnùis gu beachd. 'S beannaicht' an sluagh a thuigeas fòs an fhuaim tha aoibhneach ait; An solas glan do ghnùis', a Dhè, sìor ghluaisidh iad gu ceart. Ad ainm-s' air feadh an là bidh iad gu h-aoibhneach mar bu chòir; Is ann ad fhìreantachd faraon, àrdaichear iad gu mòr. Oir mais' is glòir an spionnaidh siud is tus' a-mhàin, a Dhè; Ar n-adharc ann ad choibhneas caomh àrdaichear leat gu treun. Oir 's e Iehòbhah Dia nam feart ar targaid is ar sgiath; 'S e 'n tì ro-naomh sin Israeil ar n-Ard Rìgh is ar Triath. An taisbean, anns an àm sin fhèin, labhair thu, Dhè, gu ceart Rid dhuine naomh; is thubhairt thu, le fìrinn, is gu beachd; Leag mise 's chuir mi cuideachadh air gaisgeach treun nam buadh; Is dh'àrdaich mi gu mòr an neach a thagh mi as an t-sluagh. B'e Daibhidh neach a fhuaireadh leam, mo sheirbhiseach ro-chaomh; 'S e sin an neach a rinneadh leam ungadh lem oladh naomh. Is socraichear mo làmh do shìor gu dìleas daingeann leis; Is nì mo ghàirdean cumhachdach a neartachadh le treis. Le mac an uilc cha chlaoidhear e; a nàmh cha tog dheth cìs. Buailidh mi 'eascairdean na làth'r, leagaidh mi 'nàmh a sìos. Ach bidh mo thròcair maille ris, is m'fhìrinn mar an ceudn'; Is adharc-san am ainm-sa fòs bidh àrdaichte gu treun. A làmh-san cuiridh mi sa chuan, sna sruthan a làmh dheas. Carraig mo shlàinte, their e rium, m'athair, mo Dhia, 's mo threis. Mo chiad-ghin nì mi dheth faraon, àrdaichte thar gach rìgh. Mo chùmhnant seasaidh daingeann leis; mo ghràs dha gleidhidh mi. Is bheir mi air a shliochd gum mair iad feadh gach linn gu bràth; 'S a chathair rìoghail uasal àrd mar làithean nèimh a-ghnàth. Mas e 's gun trèig a chlann mo lagh, 's nach gluais iad ann am reachd; Gun truaill iad m'àitheantan ro-naomh, m'iarrtais nach cùm gu ceart; Fiosraichidh mi an sin gu beachd le slait, an eucoir chlaon; Am peacaidh fiosraicheam 's an lochd, le sgiùrsadh goirt faraon. Gidheadh, gu tur mo choibhneas-gràidh cha bhuin mi uaith gun cheist; Chan fhuiling mi gum breugaichear mo ghealladh fìor am feasd. Mo choicheangal cha bhrisear leam, no 'n cùmhnant rinn mi ris; 'S am facal a chaidh as mo bheul, am feasd cha chaochail mis'. Oir aon uair mhionnaich mi mar seo, 's ann air mo naomhachd fhèin, Do Dhaibhidh tha na òglach dhomh, am feasd nach dèan mi breug. Bithidh a shliochd 's a ghinealach sìor-mhaireannach gach ial, 'S a chathair rìoghail bithidh i am fhianais mar a' ghrian. Is bithidh mar a' ghealach ghlan gu daingeann buan do shìor; 'S mar fhianais anns na nèamhan àrd bhios tairis agus fìor. Ach thilg thu uat, is thrèig gu tur, is ghabh thu gràin a-nis; 'S an tì dh'ung thu led ola naomh, tha thu an corraich ris. Coicheangal d'òglaich dhìleis fhèin, sgaoil thusa, Dhè, le tàir; 'S a choron uasal thruailleadh leat, ga thilgeadh air an làr. A ghàrradh dìdein bhriseadh leat; 's a dhaingneach làidir leag. Mar chobhartach e do luchd-ròid; da choimhearsnaich mar sgeig. Làmh dheas a nàmhaid thog thu suas; uil' eascaird' rinn thu ait. Is thill thu faobhar 'arm; sa chath cha tug thu dhàsan neart. Choisg thu a ghlòir, 's a chathair-rìgh leag thusa sìos gu làr. Is aimsir 'òige ghearradh leat; chòmhdaich thu e le nàir'. Cia fhad a dh'fhalaicheas tu, Dhè, thu fhèin a-chaoidh nan cian? An loisg do chorraich fòs gu cas, mar theine lasrach dian? Tabhair fa-near is cuimhnich fhèin giorrad mo rè 's mo lò; Carson a rinn thu clann nan daoin' mar dhìomhanas no ceò? Cò e am fear am measg nam beò, am bàs nach faicear leis? No 'anam fhèin o làimh na h-uaigh', an teasairg e le treis? Càit bheil do choibhneas-gràidh, a Dhè, a thaisbein thu o thùs, A mhionnaich thu air d'fhìrinn cheirt do Dhaibhidh chumail suas? Cuimhnich, a Thighearn, toibheum trom do sheirbhiseach gu lèir; Is mar a ghiùlain mis' am uchd masladh a' phobaill thrèin, Len tug do naimhdean masladh uap' gun adhbhar, Dhè nam feart, Oir mhaslaich iadsan ceumannan an tì a dh'ungadh leat. Mòr-bheannaicht' agus cliùiteach fòs gu robh Iehòbhah treun, Gu sìorraidh suthainn fad gach rè! Amen, agus Amen.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 89
Poem. Of Ethan the Ezrahite.
I will sing Yahweh's faithful love forever; I will make known your constancy from age to age. I will declare that your love lasts forever, you have fixed your constancy firm in heaven. "I have made a covenant with the one I have chosen; I have sworn an oath to my servant David: I will establish your line forever, make your throne secure through all generations." Your wonders are praised by the heavens, O Yahweh; the gathering of the faithful exalts your constancy. Who in the skies can compare with Yahweh? Who like Yahweh in the court of heaven? The council of holy ones has great awe of God, he is more feared than all who surround him. Who can compare with you, O Yahweh God Almighty? You are mighty, O Yahweh, your constancy surrounds you. You rule the raging of the sea; you curb its mounting waves. You crushed and killed the Rahab monster and scattered your foes with your right arm. The heavens are yours and the earth is yours; you made the world and everything in it. You created the north and the south; Tabor and Hermon rejoice at your name. Strong of arm and strong of hand, with right hand raised, your throne is built on righteousness and justice; faithful love and constancy prepare your way. Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your face, O Yahweh. They rejoice in your name all the day long, and are raised up by your righteousness; for you are their glory and strength, and by your favour we hold our heads high. To Yahweh belongs our shield, our king to Israel's Holy One. You spoke once in a vision, and said to your faithful people, "I have given a warrior strength; I have raised up a youth from the midst of the people. I have found David, my servant, and anointed him with my sacred oil. My hand will support him, and my arm will strengthen him. No enemy will be able to humble him, no wicked man will bring him low. I will crush his foes before him, and strike down those who hate him. My faithful love and constancy will be with him, by my name he will hold his head high. I will grant him power over the sea, his right hand over the rivers. He will say to me, 'You are my father, my God, my rock where I am saved.' So I will make him my first-born, the highest of all earth's kings. My faithful love remains with him forever, and my covenant with him will never fail. I will establish his line forever, his throne will last as long as the heavens. If his children depart from my law and do not obey my statutes, if they disobey my decrees and fail to keep my commands, I will punish their sin with the rod, their guilt with the whip; but I will not withdraw my faithful love from him, nor swerve from my constancy. I will not go back on my covenant; I will not withdraw my spoken word. Once and for all, I have sworn by my holiness, I will keep faith with David. His line will continue before me forever, his throne will last as long as the sun; it will stand firm forever, like the moon, the faithful witness in the sky." Yet you have spurned your anointed one, rejected him and raged at him, renounced the covenant with your servant, and defiled his crown in the dust. You have breached all his walls, and laid his strongholds in ruins; every by-passer plunders him, his neighbours treat him with scorn. You have raised high his foes' right hand, made all his enemies rejoice; You have turned back the edge of his sword and deserted him in battle. You have stripped him of his splendour and cast his throne to the ground. You have aged him before his time and clothed him with shame. How long will you hide yourself, O Yahweh? For ever? How long will your wrath flare up? Remember how brief is my life. For what pointless end did you make all people? Who can live without facing mortality? Who can defy the power of the grave? Where are those former acts of faithful love, you swore by your constancy to David, O Yahweh? Remember, O Lord, how your servant is mocked, how I bear in my heart the taunts of all nations, the taunts, O Yahweh, of your foes' mockery. Your anointed is taunted at every step. Blessed be Yahweh for ever. Amen and Amen.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))