Psalm 87


Salm 87

Tha bhunaitean sna slèibhtean naomh';
  'S ro-ionmhainneach le Dia
Geatachan Shioin, thar gach àit
  a bha aig Iàcob riamh.

Nithean ro-ghlòrmhor innsear ort,
  a chathair àlainn Dè.
Rahab is Bàbel cuimhnicheam
  don dream don aithne mi;

Gabh beachd air Tìrus mar an ceudn',
  is dùthaich Phalestin,
Maille ri Etiopia;
  am fear seo rugadh 'n sin.

Mu thimcheall Shioin theirear seo,
  Am fear seo rugadh fòs,
'S am fear ud innt'; an Tì as àird
  socraichidh i air chòir.

Tràth sgrìobhas Dia le cuimhne mhaith
  na fineachan fa leth,
'N sin àirmhidh e gum b'ann an siud
  bha 'm fear seo air a bhreith.

Luchd-seinn nan òran bidh an siud,
  luchd innil-ciùil dan rèir;
'S ann annad fhèin, a Dhia nan gràs,
  mo thobair tha gu lèir.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 87

Of the sons of Korah. Psalm. Song.

The city Yahweh founded
       stands on the holy hill;
Yahweh loves the gates of Zion
       more than all the houses of Jacob.
Glorious things are said about you,
       city of God.
I count Rahab and Babylon
       among those who acknowledge me.
They say of Philistia, Tyre and Cush,
       "This one was born there."
But of Zion it will be said,
       "All these were born in her,
and the Most High himself
       will keep her secure."
Yahweh himself will write the record
       in the Book of the Nations,
       "This one was born in Zion!"
Singers and dancers alike will acclaim,
       "All my inspiration is found in you."

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))