Psalm 66


Salm 66

Togaibh, gach uile thìr, gu h-àrd
  iolach do Dhia nan dùl.
Da ainm ro-uasal seinnibh glòir,
  a' tabhairt dhàsan cliù.

Abraibh ri Dia, Cia uamhasach
  gach beairt do nìthear leat!
Oir gèillidh dhut do naimhdean borb',
  airson gur mòr do neart.

Sleuchdaidh gach uile thalamh dhut,
  ag iomradh ort gu binn;
Dod ainm ro-uasal iongantach
  Nì 'd moladh mòr a sheinn.

Thigibh an seo is amhaircibh
  air oibrean Dhè gu geur,
Tha uamhasach na ghnìomharan
  air chloinn nan daoin' gu lèir.

Mar thalamh tioram rinn e 'n cuan;
  is trìd nan sruth bu luath
Dan cois chaidh daoine, nuair a bha
  sinn annsan ait le buaidh.

Le threun-neart riaghlaidh e a-chaoidh;
  na slòigh da shùilean 's lèir;
'S na h-àrdaicheadh luchd-easaontais
  gu h-amaideach iad fhèin.

O dhaoine, beannaichibh ar Dia,
  àrd-mholaibh e gun chlos.
'S e chùm ar n-anam beò, 's e bheir
  nach caraichear ar cos.

Mar airgead leaghte ghlan thu sinn;
  's tu dh'fhidir sinn, a Dhè;
Chuir umainn lìon; ar leasraidh chuir
  fo dhòrainn is fo phèin.

Thug thu air daoine marcachd oirnn,
  tre theine 's uisge chaidh;
A-rìs gu ionad saoibhir rèidh,
  's tu fhèin thug sinn le buaidh.

Racham dod thaigh le ofrail-loisgt';
  dhut coileanam mo bhòid,
A ghealladh leam le fosgladh bèil,
  tràth bha mi 'n èiginn mhòir.

Den fheudail reamhar, ìobairt-loisgt'
  le tùis is saill nan reith';
Ofrail nam bò, 's nan gobhar fòs
  siud bheir mi dhut fa leth.

Thigibh, is èisdibh seo, gach neach
  air a bheil eagal Dhè,
Gach math do rinn air m'anam bochd,
  siud aithriseam gu rèidh.

Do ghlaodh mi ris gu h-àrd lem bheul;
  lem theangaidh dh'àrdaich e.
Am chrìdh' ma bheir mi spèis don olc,
  chan èisd an Tighearn mi.

Gu dearbh dh'èisd Dia rium; thug fa-near
  guth m'ùrnaigh Rìgh nan dùl.
Moladh do Dhia, nìor cheil a ghràs,
  's mo ghuidh' nìor chuir air cùl.

(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))


Psalm 66

For the choirmaster. Song. Psalm.

Shout with joy to God, all earth,
       sing to the glory of his name,
       glorify him with your praise,
say to God, "How terrible are your deeds."
       Your enemies cringe
       before the might of your strength.
All the earth bows down to you,
       sings songs to you,
       sings in praise of your name.
Come and see the wonders of God,
       his awesome deeds for the people of earth:
he turned the sea into dry land,
       and people crossed the river on foot,
       where we rejoiced in him.
He rules forever by his power;
       his eyes keep watch on all the nations;
       do not let rebels rise against him!
You nations, bless our God,
       let the sound of his praise be heard;
he preserves us among the living
       and keeps our feet from slipping.
For you, O God, have tested us,
       refined us like silver;
you let us be imprisoned,
       and laid loads on our backs.
You let foes ride us down,
       we went through fire and water,
       but you brought us through
       to a place of plenty.
I will come to your house with burnt offerings,
       and fulfil my vows to you,
vows my lips made and my mouth spoke
       when I was in distress.
I will sacrifice fat animals to you,
       an offering of rams,
       I will give bulls and goats.
Come and hear, all you who fear God,
       and let me say what he did for me.
I cried out aloud to him,
       his praise was on my tongue.
If I had kept any guilt in my heart
       the Lord would not have listened.
But truly God did listen
       and heard my voice in prayer.
Blessed be God
       who has not withheld
       his faithful love from me.

(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))