Salm 65
Tha ann an Sion feitheamh ort moladh, a Dhè, gun dìth; 'S ann dhut a dhìolar fòs gu pailt a' bhòid mar gheallar i. O thus' a dh'èisdeas ùrnaigh ghlan, 's ann thugad thig gach aon. Mo sheachrain tha an uachdar orm; glan thus' ar peacaidh uainn. 'S beannaicht' an duine sin a-chaoidh a thaghar leatsa, Dhè, 'S a bheir thu fòs am fagas dhut; còmhnaidh ad chùirt gheibh e. Sàsaichear sinn le maitheas mòr do theach, 's do theampaill naoimh. Le nithean uamhasach, bheir dhuinn, ad cheartas, freagradh caomh; A Dhia ar slàinte, 's tu gu dearbh làn dòchas crìoch gach tìr'; 'S na bheil san fhairge fada uainn, an dòchas 's tu do shìor. Le 'neart-san shocraich slèibhtean mòr', e crioslaicht' fòs le treis. 'S e chaisgeas fuaim gach mara 's tuinn, is còmhstri dhaoine leis. Na daoine tha an còmhnaidh thall, sna tìrean fad a-mach, Na uamhann orra tha gu mòr, do chomhar mìorbhaileach; Is tusa bheir air dol a-mach na maidne gach aon là, 'S air dol an fheasgair mar an ceudn', bhith aoibhinn ait a-ghnàth. An talamh tha thu fiosrachadh, 's ga uisgeachadh gu rèidh; Le abhainn Dhè tha làn den uisg', trom beartach nì thu e. Dhaibh arbhar tha thu deasachadh, led fhreasdal caomha fhèin; 'S ag uisgeachadh le pailteas mòr, nan iomairean gu mìn; A sgrìoban leagaidh tu a sìos, le frasan nì thu tais; A chinneas agus fhochann fòs, beannaichidh tu le mais'. Mun bhliadhna coron tha thu cur, led mhaitheas fhèin, a Dhè; Tha saill a' sileadh anns gach àit, od cheumannan gu rèidh. Air cluainean glas' an fhàsaich luim, nuas silidh iad gu mìn; Na tulaich bheag', gach taobh a ta làn aoibhneis agus gean; Na cluainean air an sgeadachadh le treudan anns gach àit; Na glinn, le arbhar falaichte, a' seinn le iolach àrd.
(Bho Tiomnadh Nuadh, Dùn Eideann (2002))
Psalm 65
For the choirmaster. Psalm. Of David. Song.
Praise is your due, O God, in Zion; all our vows will be paid to you. O you who hear prayer, all people should come to you; when we are overwhelmed by sins, only you can forgive them. Blessed are those whom you choose and invite to live in your courts; we are filled with the bounty of your house, of your holy Temple. O God our Saviour, you answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness; you are the hope of the ends of the earth and of the furthest seas. You formed the mountains by your power and armed yourself with strength. You stilled the roaring of the seas, the crashing waves and tumultuous nations. The furthest nations fear your signs; your miracles inspire shouts of joy where day dawns and night falls. You care for the earth and water it, you fill it with riches; the rivers of God are full of water to make the land give the people grain. You soak its furrows and smooth its ridges, soften it with rain and bless its crops. You crown the year with your bounty and your harvest tracks trail plenty; the desert pastures are lush and the hills are wreathed in joy; the meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are clothed with grain; they shout and sing for joy.
(From The Psalms, Slough (1994))